Bendito -- we Do have space ships that travel to other planets and we do have space stations. But to say that major governments / countries travel to other star systems -- I don't think so.
You've mentioned super secret research and space development. IF it is so super secret -- how is it that Any civilians have heard about it? Saying something is 'super secret' lends intrique to it.
One thing about sci-fi movies -- series -- is that they can do Anything they want to. Imagination has no limits.
And I Did just google Ben Rich -- and the Skunkworks. Interesting. He is a brilliant engineer whose contributions to the aerospace industry are said to be 'out of this world'.
His religious back ground is LDS -- Mormon.
Area 51 in Nevada --all those UFO's and ET's.
He Did develop the Stealth gather plane at Lockheed Martins.
A person can really get caught-up in the intrigue of UFO's -- I know I did way back in high school. I was taking a speech class and chose UFO's to do a speech on. Back then , Reader's Digest articles were there. So -- people Do / have seen and reported very strange phenomena in the skies. The fact that the government agencies Tried to find plausible explanations shows that there was Something being observed in the sky, Were 'they' from outer-space or military weaponry being developed?
But -- are 'we' trying to connect dots where there really are none To connect? And does all of 'this' affect our salvation and where we spend eternity?
And, I know that there's the speculations about 666 and computer chips and DNA changing us and all this other 'stuff' out there. And there's probably nothing Wrong with speculating about all of this. But Maybe putting a bit less emphasis on it would be a better thing.
And I know that the Star Trek series and movies Are fascinating. Voyager and DeepSpace 9 --all those varieties' of people from other galaxies -- make-up artists must Love it.
There Appears to be evidence of 'something' -- but we Have to be careful as to not get Too caught up in it.