Of course people are born Gay, do you really think anyone would choose to go through all the hate and vilification they are subjected to by choice, i have 3 sons, ones a teacher and Tae Kwon Do instructor, ones covered in tattoo's and is a body builder, one is transgender, and ive seen the reaction of so many people towards him,, so much hate, so much prejudice, did he have a choice, NO!!, from an early age he was different and it came as no surprise when he announced he was transgender,,,,, and to all you "good" Christians recoiling in horror at what ive just written, look to the log in your own eye before you condemn the sins of others, it always amazes me the hypocrisy of rich, comfortable so called "Christians" pronouncing on the sins of others when Jesus condemned time and time again the rich and powerful and those that did little or nothing to alleviate the suffering of others, we are ALL sinners, ALL in need of gods mercy and if you believe the teachings of Christ , if you call yourself a "Christian", then the Rich and the powerful and those that live ignoring the sufferings of others will be in dire need of that mercy
Many do not understand the fall in The Garden of Eden. we all became sinners. So yes we all are born Sinners, and what do sinners do, they sin. we are born sinners, Some have not arms some have no teeth and hair, some have no legs, some cannot think right. some walk with a limp, some are bow Legged , some are over sexed, some 'hormones are out of wack and unbalance. Sin entered the world. but many christians are what we called "Pelagian" Some are "Semi- Pelagian" and some are "Arminians" then other are what many call "Calvinists".
Then if any believes in :The Concept of Original SIN" and spent much time in the study from a reliable Source and with much debate, then we know why Jesus came to a sin sick world and every one needs Jesus to save them from our own sins and from from The inheritance pass down from Adam and Eve the curse of Old age the curse of all our sickness and sins. Some sins are deadly by our actions but every sin from telling a white lie to killing 100's by a "AK" or anyone kind of weapon from a "Spoon" to a "Rock" deserves damnation and to to Thrown in The Lake burning with fire and BRIMSTONE WITH NO RELIEF for ever and ever, the sin is Disobeying GOD! whether is a lie or disobeying your parents and not taking care of them in their old age! Just some sins causing another more pain that the another one on earth.
But the sins that condemns us to hell is being Born and coming out of our mothers womb!
And yes the Homosexual CANNOT CHANGE THERE WAYS for they are born sinners and they only person Can change them, Is "GOD" himself, less anyone should Boast! If God does not change us we cannot Change our selves. But the "Pelagian and The Semi- Pelagian" christian cannot except this or neither do they Believe this. But some of us do.
So yes Love you son like no other have. and pray to our Father to change him and with kindness, for no one else can love him, like you do and no one really cares.
As Jesus died for the sinner, So yes, die in the behave your Son.

No different form the parent that loves The adulteress daughter and the son whoremonger and the Fornicators in their lives, and the liar and the cheats. for No one will love them like you do, and I can feel your pain and all you have to endure. even the Child that is in "The Bondages of SIN" and cannot set Himself or herself Free!
As if one could just swing a Magical Wand and say a few "Abracadabra" or say 3 Hail Mary's and then "Presto" you have have changed!
You see before I was Change and became a new Creature in 1977. I kept wondering what is wrong with me. And I was riding home on my Motorcycle. I kept thinking I got a wife at home and a baby Boy, My wife is beautiful nice shapely woman beautiful red hair and she never says No. Why God am I chasing other women, Why? I do not want to do these things . I enjoy it, but why am I sinning and I have everything I need at home. Something ain't right. I do not know what it is but something is not right. I was not in a church and didn't want to be in one, As time went past, The Holy Ghost Came on me. And the demons came out of me!!! Then I knew why, I had a desirer for Other women who were not my wife I inherit demons and did not know it
It is demons that causes us to sin and we do not know it. From Adam and EVE and now Humanity produces People that house DEMONS! and we refuse to believe "The TRUTH" and choose to live in denial and refuse to except the truth who we really are and what happen In The GARDEN OF EDEN, Because of PRIDE" that reigns in us which we inherit from our father the devil and the works of that father we will do, straight out of our mothers womb.
And the only way to escape is by The Blood of The Savior it is The Only Way, so let us Pray to our Father to set our Children Free. Who are trap in "The BONDAGES of SIN" not by choice but by Birth!
No one cares for our children but us. if we do not pray for them and love them no one will.

and they die alone.
I do feel your pain. for we are all sinners, but some sinners think they are better and more kinder than another sinner in God's eye. for they think they are good sinners.
I hope your son will do well. I pray that the Lord will take care and wrap Him in His Loving Arms and speak to Him well.
I am PloughBoy.