I know you think you can support your beliefs from Scripture. However, the Calvinist and the Arminian both think that also and they both have contradictory beliefs. People try to make the Bible say a lot if things it doesn't say.
I've stated several times that you guys are arguing from the perspective of Platonic Dualism. That's seen here in this post. You've simply assumed that people living on after death. You, nor anyone else has established this teaching in Scripture. To quote the parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man and claim it's literal doesn't establish the claim. That's simply an interpretation. So, premise one, that man lives on after death, a basis of your argument, has not been established.
You also spoke of people going to Heaven. There is not a single passage of Scrioture that teaches that people go to Heaven when they die. That's another erroneous premise. You also said that Hell is eternal, another erroneous premise.
Your position is based on Platonic Daulism and you're trying to make that position fit with Scripture. This is the problem. In doing so, you're forced to reject a lot of Scripture. You're also forced to redefine Scripture.
Before we can ever get anywhere we need to establish your premises. Because I disagree with each one I mentioned.
I also said there is nothing in Scripture that states man "is" a spirit. You replied,
"There are a few scriptures that state we are body, soul and spirit.
1 Thess 5:23 Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."
We've gone over this time and again. I don't know if English is your first language. This is basic English. The word "your" denotes possession not person. I don't know why people don't seem to get this. The word "you" denotes person. Yes, everyone has a spirit or breath, it is the breath of life. That doesn't mean you are a breath of life. It means you have one. If I say, your truck, I'm not saying you are a truck. I'm saying you possess a truck.
Whenever I have this discussion about people not being a spirit, people post these same verses. It makes me wonder if they understand basic English. If not how can they grasp the more complex issues in Scripture?
To prove that man is a spirit, one must show Scripture that is being spoke to man that says "you" are spirit, or man is spirit. That's not found in Scripture. What we do find is the opposite. Man "IS" dust and flesh
And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also
is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
The Holy Bible: King James Version.
In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread
Till you return to the ground,
For out of it you were taken;
For dust you are,
And to dust you shall return.”
The New King James Version. 1982. Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
See, for dust you are. He didn't say for spirit your are. He said for dust you are. Man is dust. Man is flesh. You won't find Scripture that says, for spirit you are.
The word "you" denotes person. "YOU" Adam "ARE" dust. The word "are" is a system of being verb. It describes thr state if something. In this case, Adam. He is dust.
Also, I don't see how you claim that death is unjust and then claim that eternal punishment for a crime is just. Someone steals a candy bar and they suffer some level of punishment ongoing for eternity. How is that just? Eternal torment for a 30 sec crime? How do you see that as more just than death. At least in death they don't suffer.
I could gone for quite a while here. Let's just see if we can establish your 3 premises and take it from there.