Why not? Who says it has to coincide with creation? Especially when the three persons are not created beings!
That is why I shared the narrative of the Problem of One and the Many. How would I begin to explain God, my Creator? Worse than an ant attempting to explain the boot that steps on it.
So, I accept what I am guided to by the Holy Spirit, with the understanding He provides.
"How would I begin to explain God." Nick, you've been doing that through this whole discussion. Three persons one God. Let's stop and think this through. The argument is that we can"t understand God, yet, somehow we are certain beyond any doubt whatsoever that He is one God in three persons. Is there not a problem in there?
You asked why does it have to coincide with creation. Creation and God's written word are all we have to work with. With that framework is the "Law of Non contradiction". It's a law of logic. It states that two opposing things cannot both be true at the same time. That means a glass can't be both full and empty at the same time. That means that God can't be both one and three at the same time. That Law was created by God. Is it possible that there is something that God hasn't told us? Is there some other realm of reality? Maybe. But, if there is we don't know of it or have access to it. All we have is creation and the written Word. So, if we make a claim that cannot be established within the framework we have, we're simply speculating. Because we have no way to "prove" that God is three persons in one God in a way that is rational, the claim is irrational. Some one can make the claim all day, but it's still just an irrational claim, that is beyond proof. That makes it just speculation. However, people don't say well, "this is what I think," or "this is my opinion." No, it appears to me that people are more sure of this doctrine than the fact that they are alive. People argue that the fact of the Trinity doctrine is as certain as God Himself.
Man's pride that they must be able to comprehend the completeness of the Creator is astounding to say the least! Don't you know that is what Eternity is for? Yet, having even the time, the blessing of being in His presence, the devil shows there is no accounting for the level pride can take one except like most who say there is no God! ;( Sadly, it has become necessary to put God in a box of our own comprehension, while only needing a minute understanding that God is who He in the Father, Son, Holy Spirit says He is. Must I be able to explain "How this is possible" for it to be true? I am sure by your own logic you feel the same.
You undermine you're own argument here. You've been insisting that I am wrong when I say God is not a trinity or when I say the Father and the Spirit are one and the same, yet at the same time condemn the idea of comprehending God. How do you know, and claim, that I am wrong about something that cannot be understood? More to the point, why are you arguing for the Trinity doctrine if we cannot comprehend God?
I don't think pride is the issue here. Those who hold the Trinity position obviously claim to know God. The say He is a loving God, a just God, omnipotent, and omniscient and so on. I've sat in many church services where Trinitarians have described God. Why is it only when the belief doesn't align with reality that we see this idea that no one can understand God? How is it pride to read in Scripture,
5 For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,) 6
But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ 1 Co 8:4–6.
3 And this is life eternal, that they might know
thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. Jn 17:3.
these two passages and conclude that there is only one God and that He is the Father. Paul states it explicitly and so does Jesus. How is it pride to read this and conclude that this doctrine of one God in three persons simply cannot be?
Actually, this is one part that bewilders me. We have here two explicit statements. One from Jesus and one from Paul. One from Jesus. Jesus! Jesus said the Father is the only true God. Jesus! The one everyone says is a person of the Trinity said the Father is the only true God. The one people are calling God, said there is only on true God, and it's someone else. it's not Him. He didn't say, that they may know me the only true God. He said the only true God was someone else. Here's where it collapses. If Jesus is God, why don't Christians believe Him when He says the Father is the only true God? This is where it all falls apart. If Jesus is God, I'm not talking about the same essence, but rather being, then Christians should believe Him. The problem is, if they believe Him, then they have to believe He's not God. They're caught in a catch 22. If they believe Jesus is God, then they should believe what He says. But, if they believe what He says they will believe that He's not God.
Since Trinitarians believe the Trinity doctrine, that begs the question? Do Christians believe God? Now, I'm going to venture to say that the vast majority of Trinitarians have probably never contemplated the doctrine down at this level. However, this is where it leads when you follow it to it's conclusion.
Now, I know many will simply scoff and reject what I said. However, those who are intellectually honest with themselves will have to sit and consider these things.
I would be the first to say I do not understand it fully, but I accept it, because my understanding doesn't come from me but from Scripture and what the Holy Spirit continues to show me in it. When the Holy Spirit shows you something, you don't go and say that makes no sense, and keep looking, but instead you say thank-you, and fit another puzzle piece to your understanding. I do not need to comprehend it to understand it brother.
That raises the question, how do you know it was the Holy Spirit? Look at all of the denominations out there. Most started with things that were supposedly given to people by the Holy Spirit. If Christians are all being given understanding of the Scriptures from the Holy Spirit, why don't we all agree? Using that argument, would it be safe to say that anyone who disagrees with you is not being taught by the Holy Spirit? What about other doctrines like, the Rapture, Eternal Security, Baptism, etc. If people disagree with you does that mean all of them are wrong? If so, why didn't the Holy Spirit teach them correctly? Or is it that they don't have the holy Spirit? If it's just that one doctrine of the Trinity that Holy Spirit taught you, how do you know it was the Spirit and not simply the way you learned the other doctrines.
Another question would be, why didn't He teach the apostles? Paul told the Ephesian elders that he had given them the full council of God. Jude told his readers to contend for the faith that was once handed down to the saints. According to these passages the faith was complete before Paul died and yet Paul never said a word about this Trinity that was one God in three persons. None of the apostles did. Neither did Jesus. Neither did the early Christians. Why is it that the Holy Spirit supposedly revealed this to some unknown Christians in the fifth century? Not only were they fifth century Christians, they were Christians who had stray pretty far from the original faith of Jesus and the apostles. If this is such an important Biblical doctrine don't we think that God would have established it in the Bible so that Christians 2000 years later would be able to nail down the fact that it's there? In the article by Matt Slick, he acknowledges that the doctrine isn't in the Scriptures. He said people have taken "truths" gleaned from Scripture and formed the doctrine. So, we know it's not in the Bible and we know that it's a man made doctrine. Why are we arguing it's a Biblical one? Also, in the Athanasian Creek it says if you don't believe it you can't be saved. If this is required in order to be saved, why didn't the apostles teach it? I often hear people speak of Christ's finished work on the Cross. How was the work finished if this doctrine is necessary for salvation? Jesus didn't teach it. How did Paul give the 'full council of God?' He didn't teach it. So, one may say, well, it's not necessary for salvation. Ok, fair enough. That remedies the problem of it not being taught by Jesus and the apostles. But, it raises another question. If belief in the Trinity doctrine isn't necessary for salvation,, why would we believe the Athanasian creed at all. After all, when they said that one must believe their creed to be saved, they were at best wrong and at worst lying. If they were lying why would we believe anything they say? If they were wrong, why wouldn't we investigate everything they said to validate it? A simple cursory reading shows that the creed is illogical. If they were wrong that's a pretty big error. After all, all they had to do was look at the Nicene Creed and they could see they were way off base with their creed. On the other hand, if they were lying to gain control over the illiterate masses there is no reason to accept the creed at any level. So, even at it's very best the creed is dubious.
lol - Scripture is full of impossibilities, but according to who, man's reasoning? I am sure God does not see impossibilities only man does.
Because Jesus is both the Son of God, and the Son of Man.
Scripture says He put off the form of God and became man.
The appointment went with it's usual amount of pain, and the hope of a better tomorrow.
I know I won't convince you of the Trinity, just like you can't convince me of...I really can't say what you believe.
However, when it is all said and done, I do hope you are Saved in Jesus Christ.
With the Love of Christ Jesus.
YBIC (At least I hope so.)
Hopefully tomorrow is better.
As I mentioned, I used to be a Trinitarian. I struggled just like everyone else to understand and explain it. However, once I began to entertain the idea that the doctrine may be wrong a whole lot of things began to become clear and suddenly many things that formerly didn't make sense, made sense. You mentioned above about comprehending God, When things that don't make sense being to make sense, it's that an indication that we are beginning to comprehend God?