I love how everyone is saying how abortion is wrong and bad and people shouldn't have them. Like, no duh abortion is messed up. The process takes a toll on BOTH parties involved, and although there are many women who feel relieved after the procedure (believe it or not), there are also women who may have regrets. No two cases are the same. But it's because abortion is such a complex issue with so many varying cases that we as a people should look into WHY people are preforming abortions to begin with, and try to solve the problem at it's roots.
One reason that I've found is because of financial instability. Sad truth is that some people can't afford to have another child. What can we do to make family life more affordable?
Another reason is because young people are having unsafe/unprotected sex. Now in a perfect world, telling a hormonal teenager to not have sex because God doesn't like sex before marriage, he'll say "okay understandable have a nice day." But we're not in your perfect world, we're in the real world. And in the real world, sex is not seen as taboo. It's seen as something healthy, something that should be learned about in depth, and I agree with that. There's nothing wrong with sex, even if it's outside the confines of marriage. So sorry guys, but not every one is a christian and is going to follow christian doctrine. And purity culture has shown to do more harm than good, so I don't see how teaching abstinence only education helps anyone.
But teaching these young people about responsibility, about safety, and about all of the risks and how to prevent them. That is a more universal answer that I feel should be explored a bit more. Teaching young people about their own bodies can also serve as a deterrent for those who have abortions as a contraceptive.