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What to expect in hell

What to expect in hell

  • Annihilation - Instant destruction

    Votes: 6 20.7%
  • Universalism - Suffering for a while and then united with Jesus

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • Eternal torment - Limited suffering, not such a bad place, mostly pet friendly

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • Eternal torment - limited suffering, a horrible environment, no pets

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • Eternal torment - torturous, excruciating pain and suffering, no pets

    Votes: 21 72.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
1Kings 22:18-23 . . I saw the Lord God sitting on His throne, and all the host of
heaven standing by Him on His right and on His left. And Jehovah said: Who will
entice Ahab to go up and fall at Ramoth-gilead? And one said this while another
said that.

. . .Then a spirit came forward and stood before The Lord and said: I will entice
him. And The Lord said to him: How? And he said: I will go out and be a deceiving
spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. Then He said: You are to entice him and also
prevail. Go and do so. Now therefore, behold, The Lord has put a deceiving spirit in
the mouth of all these your prophets; and Jehovah has proclaimed disaster against

Now that's scary. Can you just imagine the horror of being targeted like that and
not aware of it! (cf. 2Thess 2:8-12)

Yes we must be careful how we hear or say we do as he gives ears to hear what his Spirit says.. The spirit of lies is quick to snatch the seed of truth, the infalible law of God the light on our path. .

Like your example. . a demonstration which I thinks helps to understanding when God lifts his hand of mercy he creates a evil to them in darkness. God is Light and not that he can can only create it temporarily He is the light that reveals' the darkness .The light that brings peace of life and darkness death . Like when they left Egypt the cloud of His presence.

Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.

In that way some of the scary stuff is exposed by our comforter knowing he in the end brings to our minds the things he previously has that taught (John 14)

It would seem to indicate no such thing as self_taught .. . a warning of the antichrists. . Those who say a man seen must teach us.

Antichrists (many) as another teaching authority other than Christ in us, not Christ is us, .

It would be those who refuse the gospel truth that he sends the strong delusion . . They have no love for the gospel of God's labor of Love .

Those who do love his words of life I would think have the promise spoken of in Philippians 1:6 If God has begun he good work of teaches us as our confidence he promises he will continue till the end . Sometimes slowing down can give a more enduring rest yoked with Christ.

A old Simon and Garfunkel song 1960's Feelings Groovy. LOL Get excited smell the roses pick up a cobble lay down in the green pasture take a nap . . . its a open book test take as long as you need . A blessing for me a slower learner.

John 3:30 He must increase, but I must decrease.
Hi Bill, just nitpicking. Why do you say God is not present in hell? I would say He is.

Psalm 139:7-10

Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend to heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in Sheol, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the dawn, If I dwell in the remotest part of the sea Even there Your hand will lead me, And Your right hand will lay hold of me.
Sheol is not hell.

Technically you are right to say God is present even in hell. And that is, because without God, we would cease to exist all together.

But, as Scripture states, He will turn His back on us.

So in reality, throw away the key and leave us to the torments of the devil and friends while they themselves will be tormented.

There will be no love in hell
Canadian folk singer Gordon Lightfoot released a sentimental song back in 1975
that speaks volumes about sympathy. Its lyrics are very touching. Here's a few that
I feel especially appropriate when talking about things like sickness, death, and the

Rainy day people always seem to know when it's time to call.
Rainy day people don't talk, they just listen till they've heard it all.
Rainy day lovers don't lie when they tell 'ya they've been down like you.
Rainy day people don't mind if you're cryin' a tear or two.

I sometimes wonder how much sympathy one can expect in the fiery netherworld. I
mean; sure they'll understand how we might feel about the unfortunate
circumstances in life that led us down there, but once you're there, everyone's
pretty much in the same boat and the others are all longing for sympathy too.

In point of fact, I'd not be surprised if the competition for sympathy down there is
on the level of dog eat dog; and likely a fair number of sympathy hoarders
demanding total market share of it. I can just hear their feigned indignity; like this:

"Oh, stop whining already! Don't be such a baby. I deserve a lot more pity than
you. I've been down here for two millennia and you've only been down here for a
decade. What've you got to cry about? You should be grateful that your time down
here is shorter than mine."

I'd imagine that after a few years in that place the only sympathy that people can
feel after a while is sympathy for themselves because nobody is getting out down
there; they're all lifers so it's not unlikely that the only humanity that inmates pay
forward in that place is misery.
Yes we must be careful how we hear or say we do as he gives ears to hear what his Spirit says.. The spirit of lies is quick to snatch the seed of truth, the infalible law of God the light on our path. .

Like your example. . a demonstration which I thinks helps to understanding when God lifts his hand of mercy he creates a evil to them in darkness. God is Light and not that he can can only create it temporarily He is the light that reveals' the darkness .The light that brings peace of life and darkness death . Like when they left Egypt the cloud of His presence.

Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.

In that way some of the scary stuff is exposed by our comforter knowing he in the end brings to our minds the things he previously has that taught (John 14)

It would seem to indicate no such thing as self_taught .. . a warning of the antichrists. . Those who say a man seen must teach us.

Antichrists (many) as another teaching authority other than Christ in us, not Christ is us, .

It would be those who refuse the gospel truth that he sends the strong delusion . . They have no love for the gospel of God's labor of Love .

Those who do love his words of life I would think have the promise spoken of in Philippians 1:6 If God has begun he good work of teaches us as our confidence he promises he will continue till the end . Sometimes slowing down can give a more enduring rest yoked with Christ.

A old Simon and Garfunkel song 1960's Feelings Groovy. LOL Get excited smell the roses pick up a cobble lay down in the green pasture take a nap . . . its a open book test take as long as you need . A blessing for me a slower learner.

John 3:30 He must increase, but I must decrease.
How many hundred times i have told people here . You need to use the Gifts often, get familiar with the Presence of the Holy Spirit.

If you are sick and go see a doctor, you will want someone that knows what to do, not someone who has no clue.

When i deal with demons, not all react as you might think. Say a minister sins, then goes to a home and is asked to deal with a spirit. First of all the ministers soul is not right with God. The minister must seek forgiveness first, before dealing with a fallen spirit. A person who is not right with God first, even if he says " in the name of Jesus" will get no where with the spirit.

If ( and i say if ) you Are baptized in the Spirit . Prayer is a must. Scripture is a must. And learning to recognize God's peace in your heart IS A MUST.

Otherwise you are all fooling yourselves
Canadian folk singer Gordon Lightfoot released a sentimental song back in 1975
that speaks volumes about sympathy. Its lyrics are very touching. Here's a few that
I feel especially appropriate when talking about things like sickness, death, and the

Rainy day people always seem to know when it's time to call.
Rainy day people don't talk, they just listen till they've heard it all.
Rainy day lovers don't lie when they tell 'ya they've been down like you.
Rainy day people don't mind if you're cryin' a tear or two.

I sometimes wonder how much sympathy one can expect in the fiery netherworld. I
mean; sure they'll understand how we might feel about the unfortunate
circumstances in life that led us down there, but once you're there, everyone's
pretty much in the same boat and the others are all longing for sympathy too.

In point of fact, I'd not be surprised if the competition for sympathy down there is
on the level of dog eat dog; and likely a fair number of sympathy hoarders
demanding total market share of it. I can just hear their feigned indignity; like this:

"Oh, stop whining already! Don't be such a baby. I deserve a lot more pity than
you. I've been down here for two millennia and you've only been down here for a
decade. What've you got to cry about? You should be grateful that your time down
here is shorter than mine."

I'd imagine that after a few years in that place the only sympathy that people can
feel after a while is sympathy for themselves because nobody is getting out down
there; they're all lifers so it's not unlikely that the only humanity that inmates pay
forward in that place is misery.
Lol where is the beginning of a circle and the end of a circle. Figure that out and you will understand eternity
Matt 8:11-12 . . I say unto you, That many shall come from the east and west,
and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven.
But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be
weeping and gnashing of teeth.

"children of the kingdom" is very likely Jacob's posterity; the Jews. Well; for sure,
not all of his people will be permitted citizenship in the kingdom predicted in the Old
Testament. According to Ezek 20:33-38 a number of them will be culled from the
herd and sent elsewhere.

Outer darkness is again spoken of in Matt 22:13 and Matt 25:30

It appears, from comparison of the available data, that "outer darkness" isn't a
location, rather, a state of mental anguish characterized by the deepest possible
feelings of grief associated with loss.

It's akin to the day that God announced to Moses' people they were going to have
to stay in that awful Sinai outback until they were dead. They missed their
opportunity to enter the land of milk and honey and there was no way to regain it.

The people must've been pretty upset over that; no doubt they had all been joyfully
looking forward to a new life over there; and there was no use in praying about it
because God had made up His mind.

I've only experienced deep personal grief associated with irreversible loss but one
time; that was when my No.1 nephew passed away suddenly of natural causes at
the age of 51. I had held him in my arms upon returning home from three years in
the Army when he was only a couple of weeks old.

News of his passing has thus far been the only time in my 79 years that I actually
clenched my teeth, sobbing out of control, and choking, while clinging to a handrail
in the front room to keep from losing my balance and falling to the floor. Matt 8:11
12 is likely speaking of a similar depth of grief, or possibly worse.
Everybody likes to pick on the Jews. I think you'll find that there are many Christians, and I do mean Christians people that you and I know that fail when it counts.

Taking the mark of the beast, as an example, is an automatic sentence to hell. Meaning for the Christians. And there will be many Christians that will take the mark, with the idea that because they are Christian, that they can take it.
I've run across it. Don't forget to "Be in the world but not of it." Some people want to open branch churches in their houses, taking advantage of the fourth amendment. I've it's really knowingly false, libel, or slander, embezzling from an already established church of press larceny, the pamphleteer who do it will be careful to keep the secret close by targeting their home study group invitations. If you get one, always ask yourself where you've seen the pamphleteer before, and why he might think that you will be willing to join his countercultural cause. Be discreet and check into his known connections. Protect yourself from legal blackmail by politely avoiding his talks and declining his booklets.
Oh yeah it'll get plenty worse in those ways.

I've seen it myself we're a person will feel led by the Holy Spirit to start doing a specific Ministry. And I'm sure that that might actually take place with the Holy Spirit encouraging the person to do a certain Ministry. But then the darkness comes along and misleads the person into thinking that the Lord wants this person to start up his own church his own Ministry aside from the church he started from.

I've spoken to some of these type of people. Who experienced this type of thing and try to explain to them that I would agree that the Holy Spirit wants them to do this other Ministry however splitting off of the main church I totally disagree with. Primarily because, God brought this primary church together in the first place.
Subject Heading:- 'What to Expect in Hell?'

It is amazing how this subject continues to fascinate and draw people to it. Looking in to the forum on a daily basis to see what contributions have been made, I see that this subject out of all other is the one that is still being supported. Yet, the question is pointless, because by the time man reaches that place he no longer has the faculty of sight, or of consciousness of any kind, for he is dead, and death means the absence of life. You need life in order to have an expectation.

Hell is the daily sufferings we experience living in bodies of death. . an ongoing appointment that end one one dies. Yoked with Christ the burden is made lighter .

Remember all receive the same ereward eternal life .

If being yoked with Christ is not lightening the daily load of suffering the pang of hell. Then what is being made lighter ?

Dead in our trespases and sins dying creatures have no power (faith) to relieve the daily sufferings . .not little . . . . . none.

2 Corinthians 4:7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.

The idea of life extending past ones takes their last breath is lie from the pit revealed by the unbelieving Sadducees with Pharisees .It was passed down to the Roman Catholic sect a man made doctrine that they call "limbo or purgatory ".

A doctrine of demons that clearly does despite to the fullness of Grace the full price of salvation they perform it with the false aid of limbo or purgatory . Teaching mankind received a unknown remnant of grace and must continue to suffer and wonder, wonder, wonder with no end in sight . And only a Queen of heaven received the fullness .Therefore destroying the need for one the appointment listed below.

The judgment after is not limbo mixed with purgatory

Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

What does need to be searched out is . . what does that second judgment point to? What is it .?
Certainly not double jeopardy retrial.

It must be the death of death (thou shall not or in dying you will come to a end . . .deader than a door nail ) Death it will not be part of the new incorruptible order .

Death will not rise up and condemn an entire creation a second time . . .no retrial
Hell is the daily sufferings we experience living in bodies of death. . an ongoing appointment that end one one dies. Yoked with Christ the burden is made lighter .

Remember all receive the same ereward eternal life .

If being yoked with Christ is not lightening the daily load of suffering the pang of hell. Then what is being made lighter ?

Dead in our trespases and sins dying creatures have no power (faith) to relieve the daily sufferings . .not little . . . . . none.

2 Corinthians 4:7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.

The idea of life extending past ones takes their last breath is lie from the pit revealed by the unbelieving Sadducees with Pharisees .It was passed down to the Roman Catholic sect a man made doctrine that they call "limbo or purgatory ".

A doctrine of demons that clearly does despite to the fullness of Grace the full price of salvation they perform it with the false aid of limbo or purgatory . Teaching mankind received a unknown remnant of grace and must continue to suffer and wonder, wonder, wonder with no end in sight . And only a Queen of heaven received the fullness .Therefore destroying the need for one the appointment listed below.

The judgment after is not limbo mixed with purgatory

Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

What does need to be searched out is . . what does that second judgment point to? What is it .?
Certainly not double jeopardy retrial.

It must be the death of death (thou shall not or in dying you will come to a end . . .deader than a door nail ) Death it will not be part of the new incorruptible order .

Death will not rise up and condemn an entire creation a second time . . .no retrial
Hello @Garee,

Hell is the place of the dead, whether that be the grave, or the fires of Gehenna in the final judgment of mankind. It is not a place of eternal conscious punishment as some maintain.
Death is indeed the absence of life, and not a portal into another life in which disembodied spirits roam at will, as is imagined by some. It is the spirit, or the breath of life that goes back to God Who gave it at death, and man ceases to be a living soul. For the soul is not immortal. Mortality has yet to be swallowed up by life at the resurrection of the dead.

* When there are so much wonderful Truth from God's word that could be discussed, why is this LIE perpetuated at the expense of TRUTH?

In Christ Jesus
Matt 7:13-14 . . Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is
the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate
and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Matt 22:14 . . For many are called, but few are chosen.

Few and Many are relative quantities regardless of their amounts.

For example; no matter how many people are represented by the great crowd
depicted at Rev 7:9-10, their number will be less than the number of folk
represented by the dead depicted at Rev 20:11-15.

In other words: the number of people ultimately saved will be less than those
ultimately lost no matter how big or little their respective numbers turn out to be.
Hello @Garee,

Hell is the place of the dead, whether that be the grave, or the fires of Gehenna in the final judgment of mankind. It is not a place of eternal conscious punishment as some maintain.
Death is indeed the absence of life, and not a portal into another life in which disembodied spirits roam at will, as is imagined by some. It is the spirit, or the breath of life that goes back to God Who gave it at death, and man ceases to be a living soul. For the soul is not immortal. Mortality has yet to be swallowed up by life at the resurrection of the dead.

* When there are so much wonderful Truth from God's word that could be discussed, why is this LIE perpetuated at the expense of TRUTH?

In Christ Jesus
Amen . Exactly it's not a place rather than a work of suffering The wage of sin "death" by the letter.
Hello @Garee,

I do not understand.

Sorry .

I would offer. Hell is not place to begin with. It cannot be found using GPS. It is suffering as in aging. . the wage of sin living in a dying body .

It would seem that the wage of sin death is in respect to a lifetime . . mankind sufferings "lifers without parole" Do not pass goal unless a person has the Jesus get out of jail free. God has a monopoly He owns all things as a Jealous God..

Sufferings after death. Limbo and Purgatory was invented as oral traditions of sinners. Those who seek after a Queen of Heaven both old and new testament..even today..

They teach that only the Queen of Heaven receive the fullness of grace the rest of the world a remnant of grace .And therefore they have no end. . no amen . The doctrine of wondering , wondering, wondering ,sufferings, sufferings .

Death according to the letter (scripture the book of law) is the wage of sin. . . dead never to rise.

It's a daily appointment all make on time Yoked with him we pray for strength (give us our daily bread). the food of your will and empower us to do it.

Yoked with Christ the burden is lighter with a ongoing hope beyond what the eyes see.

It is never death alone but is death with sufferings (hell) .Not death and hell . Not hell added as separate but all together one thing. .

Revelation 20:13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.

Revelation 20:14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

The death of death itself . The letter of the law (thou shall not) along with its sufferings (hell) is tossed into the judgment fire .

In the new heavens and earth there will be no "thou shall or you will in dying come to a end of spirit life ".

Remember living sacrifices . By his wounds stripies From the father we are healed of death's power .

1 Peter 2:24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

Matthew 8:8 The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.
Education and/or a high IQ have their uses; but are insufficient when it comes to
spiritual matters. In point of fact, too many smarts can actually be an impediment.
Take for example Carl Sagan. Had his knowledge and his IQ been a spiritual
advantage, then Carl would've stood on the side of intelligent design instead of
opposing it.

It's tragic that Carl went to his grave with his curiosity and so many scientific
questions about the cosmos unanswered, and to top it off, a day is coming when
even Carl's pale blue dot will no longer be available for study.

"For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be
remembered, nor come into mind." (Isa 65:17)

"And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth
were passed away." (Rev 21:1)

Can you imagine how delighted Carl would've been to explore Heaven's libraries
where everything to know that can be known about the cosmos is stored? But alas,
Carl will never find out because he was at best an agnostic, at worst an atheist.
Matt 7:13-14 . . Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is
the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate
and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Matt 22:14 . . For many are called, but few are chosen.

Few and Many are relative quantities regardless of their amounts.

For example; no matter how many people are represented by the great crowd
depicted at Rev 7:9-10, their number will be less than the number of folk
represented by the dead depicted at Rev 20:11-15.

In other words: the number of people ultimately saved will be less than those
ultimately lost no matter how big or little their respective numbers turn out to be.
Do not be deceived or foolish, thinking that just because you have accepted Jesus as Lord at this time that your work is finished. That you don't have to try to continue being the son or daughter of God.

Do not fall into the path that Judas took, were after becoming an apostle of Jesus and casting out demons and healing people and hearing Jesus even exclaim that his name was written in heaven. The route that you just took, where he became proud, where he felt that he could figure out the better route for Jesus. And in so doing, opening the pathway to the cross for Jesus.

Some would say it's predestination but there is no such thing as that it's all based on your free will. All it is is that God already knows the choice that you're making. No one forced Judas to betray Jesus, he chose to do that with his own free will. And in so doing he himself removed his name from heaven.

It's just like in the Old Testament where Esau gave away his inheritance for a bowl of porridge
Death according to the letter (scripture the book of law) is the wage of sin. . . dead never to rise.

I sometimes wonder if you are just ignorant, or deceitful on purpose? Either way you qualify as a false prophet.

I can give you half a dozen verses that say even the wicked will rise again, if you can give me a single one that says they don't.

Here is a start...

John 5:28; "Do not marvel at this; for an hour is coming, in which all who are in the tombs will hear His voice,
John 5:29; and will come forth; those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life,
those who committed the evil deeds to a resurrection of judgment.

Acts 24:15; having a hope in God, which these men cherish themselves, that there shall certainly be a resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked.

Rev 20:13; And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead which were in them; and they were judged, every one of them according to their deeds.

Heb 9:27; And inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment,
I sometimes wonder if you are just ignorant, or deceitful on purpose? Either way you qualify as a false prophet.

I can give you half a dozen verses that say even the wicked will rise again, if you can give me a single one that says they don't.

Here is a start...

John 5:28; "Do not marvel at this; for an hour is coming, in which all who are in the tombs will hear His voice,
John 5:29; and will come forth; those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life,
those who committed the evil deeds to a resurrection of judgment.

Acts 24:15; having a hope in God, which these men cherish themselves, that there shall certainly be a resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked.

Rev 20:13; And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead which were in them; and they were judged, every one of them according to their deeds.

Heb 9:27; And inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment,
Don't forget to include what Jesus stated about the Jews of this day and age. That they would be judged more harshly than those in Sodom and Gomorrah. Now how is that possible if those in Sodom and Gomorrah have sinned so greatly and were destroyed by God in fire. How is it possible that they would be judged less harshly than the Jews if the only place there is is Heaven and Hell.

There must be some other place because obviously the people of Sodom and Gomorrah would not be allowed to go to heaven, and they are obviously not in Hell either
A co-worker once remarked that he wasn't too worried about Hell seeing as he'd
have lots of friends down there to keep him company. But I'm curious as to how he
expects to find his friends. That place must be an ocean of humanity by now if its
been collecting folks ever since the days of Cain. I have enough difficulty finding
my wife in a department store even with a cell phone, but doubt anybody has a cell
where that co-worker expected to end up.
I sometimes wonder if you are just ignorant, or deceitful on purpose? Either way you qualify as a false prophet.

I can give you half a dozen verses that say even the wicked will rise again, if you can give me a single one that says they don't.

Here is a start...

John 5:28; "Do not marvel at this; for an hour is coming, in which all who are in the tombs will hear His voice,
John 5:29; and will come forth; those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life,
those who committed the evil deeds to a resurrection of judgment.

Acts 24:15; having a hope in God, which these men cherish themselves, that there shall certainly be a resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked.

Rev 20:13; And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead which were in them; and they were judged, every one of them according to their deeds.

Heb 9:27; And inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment,
Hi thanks for the reply. I wonder if you understand Hebrews 9-27?

Deceitful or perhaps misunderstood? ????

I can suggest what I think it is not saying . It is not saying it is appointed to die once never to raise to new life. But does say after the result of dying comes to end . Satan said it is not true. Dying the carrying out of the wage of sin death.

The object or power of "death" the letter of the law (thou shall not or you will really die) . death along with its daily sufferings is tossed into the final judgment .the death of death .

No retrial double jeapordy . In the new order the letter of the law will not raise up and condemn to death a entire creation

2 Corinthians 3:6 Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.(eternal)

Same with John 5 all that live in tombs "dying bodies" carrying out the wage of sin are given ears to hear his understanding . Marvel not but rather believe God as it is written

No sufferings beyond the grave. (death)