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Why does God send people to hell?

Scripture does not go into detail on hell. But what we do know with crystal clarity is that all who harden their hearts to Jesus and do not repent of their sins, will be there. So if there are parties, imagine having one with unrepentant sinners.
Those who teacheternal torture, limbo/ purgatory. It is needed to deceive mankind to believe dead bodies to not return to dust and the temporal spirit does not return the the Father of all spirit life who gave it .

Ecclesiastes 12:7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.

Dead is dead .The end means. . that's all folks. The Omega is not the Alpha

I would think using a unprovable spiritual unseen law of the fathers, dying mankind. Limbo for younger sinners, purgatory for the more mature sinner

Creating a lying signs to wonder, wonder, marvel after forever and ever..

False prohecy (limbo purgatory) as a oral tradition of dying mankind the wondering work of the father of lies.... he has zero spiritual understanding he hates all flesh

The voice of Satan . . .wonder, wonder, wonder. . .doubt, doubt, doubt, doubt . . .Accuse, accuse, accuse . . .day and night, day and night, day and night

Believers have prohecy till the end of time .no need to wonder, marvel, doubt.
You have zero understanding of Scriptural Instruction. The Natural Body expires and Christ Followers, at the First Resurrection receive the Glorified Body and In the case of the Lost, I find nowhere that they are anything more than Spirit Beings. You appear to be stuck on this side of Eternity in your thought process.
Just like satan himself, loving to twist words and present them as what the person said. You must be a part time politician.
Didn't twist anything. AGAIN, ASK ANY 10th Grade English teacher and you might learn something about what you actually wrote.

You people amaze me, when caught in a misstatement, y'all just cannot take responsibility for your own words.

Please re-read, you are missing the point.
Nope. Didn't miss anything. It' more likely that you hadn't made your point adequately.

At least with you, I know that English wasn't your first language.

Spirit Beings
So, Bill. Where is this term "Spirit Beings" EVER found in scripture? (I'll check just to make sure.)

Nope. Doesn't exist, so congratulations on making up your own religion.

Nope. Didn't miss anything. It' more likely that you hadn't made your point adequately.

At least with you, I know that English wasn't your first language.


I keep telling myself that maybe one-day soon you will re-read your posts and those you reply to and grasp that you are skimming and not digesting what is being said.

I hope you become a better person in 2025.
You have zero understanding of Scriptural Instruction. The Natural Body expires and Christ Followers, at the First Resurrection receive the Glorified Body and In the case of the Lost, I find nowhere that they are anything more than Spirit Beings. You appear to be stuck on this side of Eternity in your thought process.

Not sure what point you are trying to make by typing this and quoting my line. Am I to assume that you believe hell will simply be people in fire screaming for all eternity?

Hell will be a functioning society of many humans and angels. They will have activities to do for sure. It should be a given with a good God. Now granted, scripture does not go into any detail on what exactly will take place in hell outside of punishment with fire, darkness and separation. But scripture does give us many glimpses into heaven. Things we recognize and can relate to. Why not assume similar with hell?

All I will say is that whether you go to heaven or hell, you remain a human being. Resurrected body or not, human = human and a human does what a human does. Human = spirit, mind and flesh. Those that go to hell lose the flesh and keep only the spirit and the mind. Those that go to heaven, get a new body.

To really take part and add value to this specific line of thought requires one to meditate on hell for a while. Think on '''eternity''. Think on '''billions together'''. Think on the fact that hell has to be a ''home'' for the wicked, else God could be incriminated for being evil. And God is NOT evil ;).
No, no, and no! I want to ask for scripture to back your assertions but with better than 35 years of study I know there are no such passages that are no ripped from the context of their passages. i.e. Humans have sex and Angels do not and when we are in the Glorified Bodies, neither will we. I have no earthly idea from where you have formed your ideas about the Lake of Fire.
Humans have sex and Angels do not

Where is the scripture that says Angels do not have sex? It says they don't marry....

Perhaps you assume that angels don't have sex? So then how do you deal with the "sons of God" and "daughters of men" passage?

Hoping to get an actual answer instead of an insult this time,
No, no, and no! I want to ask for scripture to back your assertions but with better than 35 years of study I know there are no such passages that are no ripped from the context of their passages. i.e. Humans have sex and Angels do not and when we are in the Glorified Bodies, neither will we. I have no earthly idea from where you have formed your ideas about the Lake of Fire.

When we are looking at vastly unknown future events, we need to step back a bit and read what we are not reading in scripture. Meditate on the topic. When you do this, you can draw a scripture based inferred picture of hell.

As for scripture specifically on heaven that I alluded to, scripture you need to close your eyes and try 'picture', meditate on.

1. Scripture says Jesus rides a horse Rev 19:11. Grasp that Jesus does not ride something we do not know of.
2. Scripture speaks of a marriage feast of the Lamb Rev 19:9. Try picture a banquet. Something we have on earth when someone gets married.
3. Scripture speaks of 12 pearly gates in the new Jerusalem Rev 21:21. If you live in a Democrat run city, you know what gates are.
4. Scripture speaks of streets made of gold Rev 21:21, If you have a car, you know what a street is.
5. Scripture speaks of mansions that Jesus is preparing for us John 14:1-3. If you live in a really big house, you know what a mansion is.
6. Scripture speaks of Lucifer in Eden wearing a crown made of precious gemstones found on earth Eze 28:13. In the spiritual realm, earthly gemstones have value and are seen as a precious item and gift. Lucifer was adorned with this.

I could go on a bit more, but I think you should get the point I am making with these. When we go to heaven, a lot will change, but a lot will remain the same. Humans are humans. In heaven a dog will be a dog. A cat will be a cat, and a human will be a human.

Now on hell. Consider how scripture says in Luke 13:28 that those in hell will weep and gnash their teeth. Think on that. No physical body, yet they can and do weep and gnash their teeth.

It is logical to expect something like our current prison system to be in place in hell.

Where is the scripture that says Angels do not have sex? It says they don't marry....

Perhaps you assume that angels don't have sex? So then how do you deal with the "sons of God" and "daughters of men" passage?

Oh wow, I agree with you on something.

Yes, angels can and do have sex. This is a known fact among many who have been in satanism. I could link YouTube videos of testimonies, but it would not be appropriate.

They do not have seed that can impregnate a woman. Seed is a living organism, and they are unable to create such. They can only create bodies to possess. Their spirit gives life to a body.

The sons of God has always been a term used describing angels. The Nephilim were creations of fallen angels. To suggest they are not opens up many questions about salvation and punishment that one cannot answer.


This may all sound far-fetched, but then, remember, we are on the verge of contact with ET any day now ;) .

Hoping to get an actual answer instead of an insult this time,

You reap what you sow.
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Those of the choice (everybody) choose where they reside in eternity.

I would offer

Hell, literally meaning a "concealed place" You could say a place of faith the unseen eternal. It would seem a dark place of suffering unto death. . . not dead never to rise. A living suffering that calls out for strength to finish the work of two empowered by Holy Father.

Belly of the whale. . dark place. Heart of the earth same dark .

The last demonstration of the promised three demonstration of the lamb of God that was slain from the foundation. . the six days the father did work . The last demonstration the tomb, the father removed the grave clothes and rolled back the stone the light of the gospel shown in .
Once a person dies unsaved and evil, there will never be a time when that person suddenly begins to do righteousness. Die evil, and you will continue to do evil even in hell or the lake of fire.

Rev 22:11 Let the evildoer still do evil, and the filthy still be filthy, and the righteous still do right, and the holy still be holy.”
Once a person dies unsaved and evil, there will never be a time when that person suddenly begins to do righteousness. Die evil, and you will continue to do evil even in hell or the lake of fire.

Rev 22:11 Let the evildoer still do evil, and the filthy still be filthy, and the righteous still do right, and the holy still be holy.”

I think high level that is correct. But I like to think that humans and angels are a bit more complex.

Evil people do some good now and then. Good people do some evil now and then.

Rom 7:15 I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.
Mark 10:18 Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good except God alone.
No, no, and no! I want to ask for scripture to back your assertions but with better than 35 years of study I know there are no such passages that are no ripped from the context of their passages. i.e. Humans have sex and Angels do not and when we are in the Glorified Bodies, neither will we. I have no earthly idea from where you have formed your ideas about the Lake of Fire.
I just read those comments from others. Can you imagine babies in the Lake of Fire - is this what people really think. (Sorry i am just laughing so hard at the absurdity of it all).

We, you and i and others know that God creates here on Earth and brings innocence into the children that he creates. And has as others have said, mankind who bring evil from their hearts are sent to hell.

It is really quite foolish to think that those who live in evil, in hell, will eventually make it to heaven. Because there is no darkness in heaven, and those who take the evil with them to the second death have never received Christ or have never received Redemption of their sins.

Creation is here on Earth, where we experience eternity is where we are sent through judgment
Somewhere in this thread I was reading conversation where people were talking about how your actions in life will result in where you go. And there was some question to whether or not that has to do with Works versus Faith.

I know there's a really big hang up on the word Works, and I think it's one of the things that people really get confused over it's real meaning. The best I can explain the word, it is Christ working through you.

We know that if the Holy Spirit inspires you to do something and you completely ignore it even though you know it's from the Holy Spirit, you are ignoring the movement of God within you. What does this tell us about who we are as Christians, that we pick and choose what God wants from us?

Here is a scripture verse of what I'm talking about

34 "Then the King will say to those on his
right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my
Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom
prepared for you since the creation of the
world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me
something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave
me something to drink, I was a stranger and
you invited me in, 36 1 needed clothes and you
clothed me, I was sick and you looked after
me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.

37 "Then the righteous will answer him, "Lord,
when did we see you hungry and feed you, or
thirsty and give you something to drink?
38 When did we see you a stranger and invite
you in, or needing clothes and clothe you?
39 When did we see you sick or in prison and
go to visit you?

40 "The King will reply, "Truly I tell you,
whatever you did for one of the least of these
brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.

You see here we have people who are inspired by the spirit to help the sick and feed the hungry and to cloth the naked. Obviously they did not even know it was the Holy Spirit that was inspiring them to do that yet they still did it out of the kindness of their hearts. Is this what we think of as works, and yet these are the very things that God looks at