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Do we have freewill ? did we have freewill since the beginning ?

Something I was reading and wish to share.

Net Bible Eph 1:11 In Christ28 we too have been claimed as God's own possession,29(G2820) since we were predestined (G4309) according to the one purpose of him who accomplishes all things according to the counsel of his will

29 tn Grk "we were appointed by lot." The notion of the verb κληρόω (klēroō) in the OT was to "appoint a portion by lot" (the more frequent cognate verb κληρονομέω [klēronomeō] meant "obtain a portion by lot"). In the passive, as here, the idea is that "we were appointed [as a portion] by lot" (BDAG 548 s.v. κληρόω 1). The words "God's own" have been supplied in the translation to clarify this sense of the verb. An alternative interpretation is that believers receive a portion as an inheritance: "In Christ we too have been appointed a portion of the inheritance." See H. W. Hoehner, Ephesians, 226-27, for discussion on this interpretive issue.

Whhat JEsus says :

Word study

klēróō; contracted klērṓ, fut. klērṓsō, from klḗros (G2819), a lot. To cast lots, determine by lot, i.e., to determine something, choose someone. In Eph_1:11, it means, "in whom the lot has fallen upon us also, as foreordained thereto . . . to be" (a.t.). The idea expressed here is that Christians have become heirs of God due to the fact that God predestined them according to His purpose. In a manner of speaking, the "lot" fell to believers not by chance but solely because of the gracious and sovereign decision of God- Almighty to select them to be His heirs.
Deriv.: prosklēróō (G4345), to give or assign by lot.

What Paul say :
1Co 12:3 Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by the Spirit of God says, "Jesus is accursed"; and no one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit.

NASB Col 3:12 So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience;

NASB 2 Th 2:13 But we should always give thanks to God for you, brethren beloved by the Lord, because God has chosen you from the beginning for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and faith in the truth.

Acts says finally:

NASB Act 13:48 When the Gentiles heard this, they began rejoicing and glorifying the word of the Lord; and as many as had been appointed to eternal life believed.
CEV Act 13:48 This message made the Gentiles glad, and they praised what they had heard about the Lord. Everyone who had been chosen for eternal life then put their faith in the Lord.
Yes. And we also read Paul showing about gentiles, how it is that even pagans can be saved. Not by becoming Christians the way we perceive, but by means of having thier hearts circumcised, filled with Gods love. And in this way, they ARE Christians already.
We continue with freewill and lucifer if he had freewill but continuing on what freewill and here something very importnat if we had freewill.

If the word exist in the world there is the word in hebrew.

“Freedom of Choice;” a fundamental belief of the Jewish Religion. “Bechirah” means “choice;” “Chofshit” means “free.” The concept means that the human being is not forced to choose “good” or “evil,” but is free to choose between them. This is, of course, the most fundamental choice of all, the one which the Bible associates with the choice between “life” and “death,” for which the Bible recommends “Choose Life.” Or, as the Talmud teaches “Everything is in the hands of Heaven except the “fear of Heaven.”

The belief in free will (Hebrew: bechirah chofshit בחירה חפשית, bechirah בחירה) is in jewish thought axiomatic thought , and is closely linked with the concept of reward and punishment, based on the Torah itself: "I [God] have set before you life and death, blessing and curse: therefore choose life" (Deuteronomy 30:19).

Free will is therefore discussed at length in jewish philosophy, firstly as regards God's purpose in creation, and secondly as regards the closely related, resultant, paradox. The topic is also often discussed in connection with negative theology, divine simplicity and divine providence, as well as jewish principals of faith in general.

God does give us a choice limited but we have limited freewill.

Also the word לִבְחוֹר

livkhór is ( To choose )

together with this word


( Freedom ) another word.

Freewill did existed and in Deutronomy 30:19 God did give a choice two but still he did. And life is a good choice a great choice. Is their more of freewill in Judaism ? Yes, there is more and more to come. The best is yet to come !
Devalue victims: People may change how they view the people affected by their actions.

When human nature resorts to violence and wishes to obtain what it wants ? To know and to control. It becames self-destructive in nature. What are animals that self destructive.

Lemmings are an example that migration is needed and if they complete thier natural cycle or do not complete it they end their life no matter what.

All this comes from the time of Babylon this nature that if we do not understand something we destroy it. Babylon in it's time was by nature the strongest civilization and the other ones were destroyed any one who challenge babylon was punish. it was said that of all the cruelest civilzation Babylon was the cruelest and even crueller than egypt and rome. Babylon in it's time will crucify people on palm trees, will kill your child, and things I will not say. because it is nature of human surviving in this world.

Natural defense of evil man had and for them it natural to kill people. Here in the modern day we limited ourselves. But egyptians and romans killing and punishment in those days was light compare to what Babylonians do to each other.

Humans have not evolve because still we speak a language mixed by then and we do not speak how God made us. What does to person that you grab him don't teach to speak english and he speaks a language and teach him esperanto and not the whole language but quarter of it ? and you put him in the middle east back in the time of the bronze age and he multiply and he had a tribe but does not know who is why he speaks another language and finds other humans who don't speak like you. And you want to know why ? Why your here who did this to you and why you speak different and the only way to make people respect your land is with violence ?

There is a movie like that !
People do one thing throughout history and some of us have innate ability to have and some us don't have and worst some of us don't have but live it and don't realize it ?

Do they know their purpose in life ? Is lying the most simplest things humankind do to live their life and lying is useful we don't stop no more we don't realize we can't stop lying we can't detect it no matter we do then ?

Lying is going to be the subject of freewill. Lying exist is it good when Abraham lied to save his life ? Do we need to do neccesary evil and God let's it happen ? :O

Is lying part of your life ? Do you lie to obtain yourself what you want, what part of the human behavior is needed to lie ? To be a victime does this make you uncomfortable in your life ?

First apology to you do not want to pressure you. I respect your life if you lie in a marriage and lie to your husband and to your children and for you it's a white lie. Transparent lie of course. It's not important but some you cannot lie because it is a sin ? What is the nature of good and evil when you lie to do good ? Or lie to do evil ?
We see people that civilzation does something and it is wrong since the beggining of men that all civilzation does is copy each other is human concept if you look at all humanity and find the root it is about Babylon. We copy and we see other do things because we think it will help us to find solutions or get to our goals. Humans copy animals and you see hieroglyphs and chinese characters in their writtings their all animals.

One word can mean a thousands things, and A thousand things means one word.

What do human do all of it's history ? They want to be like animals to have thier power they wanna be someone else because they are afraid ! The behavior of humanity and I studied a lot of pyschology is that humans don't want to be themselves because themselves is weak for human recognition. Humans can't see themselves fixing promblems they have to someone else, they want to be someone else to fix their promblem.

They copy lies and that's what humans do lies ! You don't see in any place a powerful civilization without God's it's something we talk about it. All civilization have God's and idols is what is simple. Their idols are animals because they want to have powers like them a man cannot see himself as God it makes an animal or an image and wants to be that because he thinks he's promblem is solved and worst he thinks he came from such animal like the lion, eagle, or bear. And he must go thru a phase and will be reborn like the sun God and he will comeback as goat or a bear and be like his animal figure. No.

Their is no such thing.
They also went to believe in this

Reincarnation is the belief that a person's soul or spirit is reborn into a new body after death. It's also known as rebirth or transmigration.

Where is reincarnation believed?

  • Hinduism: A core tenet of Hinduism, reincarnation is also known as the transmigration of souls.
  • Buddhism: A key component of Buddhism, reincarnation explains the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.
Why do people believe in animals in their mythology, why want to be someone else to fix your promblems ? People want easy or simple things it's because humans are confused and they don't know who they are ? They live lies and do we do the same today ? People want to be a car, want to be a hollywood actor , they wan and want !

They don't know who they are that's humanity wants because it wants lie and copies other because lying give you idea that you can have what you want !

What about truth does it give you what you want ? Do you have truth in your life and you have a good relationship with your husband or wife ? This are important things do you have truth that you know and your not animal or car a or another superheroe you copy in your day ?

Guess what do you have God's truth and you realize you don't want to be someone else you want to be who you are and it works ? You found yourself and you feel good you pass your tests that you have an answer in life and it works for you and you don't lie ?
Who are you really ? Who are you really ? Do you really know yourself and you stop being like the world ? Have you fixed the promblem that bother you when you were young ? Did you achieve the purpose of you life or you don't know it ?

I apologize to you do not wish to offend talking about freewill and all of this is part of freewill and it's part of the plan of God. We see example of humans in time that are stuck with that and we have evolve in time and now in the twenty first century. Humans have made breakthrus and more people have a purpose fulfill and live a life where everyoen can have college and complete you goal, their dream ! And can be rich or be an actor or president of their country ? Many here don't know and have not. Why ?

People spent their whole life finding the meaning of life and many have different answers. They found they wanted to a famous artist, they want to save their father from a disease, they found that the meaning of life isn't one thing people and that we are all made for different things and purpose and if a painter spent all his life to make the perfect painting he achieved what he wanted. A musician finds the song he wanted and millions of people like it and finally writter writes the perfect book and millions love it. it's a lovestory that's good and you wanted it but guess what that those are Why you are here but is it finally what God wants ?
Perhaps it's being rock cutter, fold mattresses, or just build machines in a factory ? You don't know why your here perhaps God sent you here to be one of those people you want or to be who you are and be happy who you are !

The bible says it he knows who you are and before he sent you he knew you. Who you were in heaven is mystery and you don't know. And now it's time that their no more lies in your life and you don't want to be an animal, you don't want to a car, you wanna be the person you were before he sent you here ?

Too much for you ? Maybe you don't want to be because so many errors you have done.

You don't want but God wants you to be that person ! Our lives are made to reach a goal in society and we lie and do what Rome does and Babylon does want to be someone else ! It's not an answer it's the nature of humanity to blame others and it's lie. It is what an eye for an eye exist and not look for love what the bible says to love thy neighbor and forgive. it's too hard and worst perhaps what we do if we don't understand what God sent us here what do we do then ? Destroy things and do what romans do or what Babylons do.

Perhaps that is why we do things and Babylon means that confusement you don't who you really you are and men and women don't know what God gives them and what he gaves in the time of Israel that we need so much. What is more important what was in heaven that he wants us to be like his servants. Their is verse in bible it says in matthew and luke and Jesus says in a prayer that we might ask God to be his will be done and not ours and his will like heaven to do on heaven. Complicated real complicated. How to start that ? How ? Their are many verses that do tell how is heaven is like what they do all day and heavens culture.

Really complicated how about you do the hard thing people how about you don't be like the world educates you in school not what tv and commercial tell you want to be and guess what be yourself but be the one you were in heaven before you came here ? What you don't know this your limit and it is the limit of all that I know that can't know and don't want to because they are afraid !
Be the person you were in heaven guess what ! It is part of God's plan to find yourself. People fight all their life against thier nature and animal nature. You fear and don't know and what people say no I don't have to give anything to God, the world wronged me, and finally what are you talking about ? How can I do that ? hahahahaha.

It is God's plan to do what he wants and before he sent you he had a plan for you and he told you what to do. This is where is hard and if he sent me why didn't he tell me sooner. If your offended good -_-.

It's not easy to do his plan it's not easy for anyone they don't tell us to do his plan they mess us up. They feed you garbage and make you live a lie and you learn a lie because everyone does it that's no answer this are hard things in life and some of you question yourself ?

Let me help you perhaps this will do you good.

Maybe God sent you here because he wanted you to do something for your family ? Maybe he sent when your family needed you the most. You don't know perhaps because you were borned you mom and dad love each other more and found a purpose they wanted to have a family and found out real love they decided to baptized and you baptized too! Perhaps that's why he sent you here thanks to that they were saved. All children are part of them and some of them don't know they completed that plan and he is happy.

One of those purpose is that God wanted that and that is all he doesn't struggle no more for some it is the plan of God and God promise them from heaven when they were their that was their mission. Simple God does that and many people have written their lifestory and know they were sent to do one thing or do something else and know that some supernatural force or will of universe put them for a reason. God put a child to make their family. Bible says it everything is planned by God and king Solomon says it.
Are you here for short time and God planned it ? perhaps you say that you can't spent a whole life and wonder and it was something small or simple that he sent you for that. Yes it is the purpose God sent you and he sent each and every human for a plan and a purpose.

And even though it could be so small as that and you don't know it. He can do that and told that little one he only wantd him to be born and be baptizesd. He enjoy he's life and when the end time comes he will be showed his mission and eh will be showed God planned him. Yes !
Another persons life is that God sent him for a special time a special hour and minute he was sent to save some person's life and he was going to have a car and while he was driving he picked him and unknowingly he took him to the airport. If it wasn't for him he would of arrived alte he woulnd't of gotten the job he was going to get and he continue he's life this are small things but guess what it was God who planned it. Oooh you want an answer but you don't decide you want to know you don't know because you don't decide God decides and even if it offends he knows better.

He chose him to do that some of you say that's not fair I work to hard and spent all my life and i didn't know why i'm here and perhaps God wanted it so simple. It is hard we don't know were thrown here blind and not knowing our purpose of why he sent us here. He put tests and we pass them and we failed them. Perhaps that's the hardest thing your life is not what you want it and worst you don't know your life.

Then their is the man who worked for 50 years of his life and he sweated and bleed to put food on the table. He ask why is he here and he baptized and the hardest thing he died. Later his son worked on a book and thanks to his sufferment his book is manual for future doctors to learn surgery and the son became a doctor thanks to his father. Later God told his father in the end times he sent him for that ! Those are the decisions and the destiny of us humans we don't know and God send us not knowing what his plan was and why he sent us.
But after so much sufferment some of us know why he sent us to give gesture that some of us know our purpose and we can change it and be doctors or be pastors or write song that millions would like ? It is unfair and life is life like a famous song says it.

Do not feel bad you don't know perhaps you don't know other have purpose and accomplsih because they sacrifice more than you. And God has a bigger plan and he amkes them go thru more toguh times than you. Better don't ask if you don't want and live a simple life better. You can decide just remember if you want to pray and he will give to you. Pray and he will give it to you because he did gave a mission in this world and you don't know if you want to change your life go tell him if don't. Don't give excuses in your life that your afraid you wanted your life and got what you wanted it is not God's fault he always gives you chance maybe you don't know it he gave it to you. more to come and your gonna like it in the end.
Please have patience like God has patience with you all. This is not bad here i'm talking about something very important. Why your here ? And for everyone has their version painters, writters, and ordinary people and here freewill come good things. I ask please to let me finish and when you see it maybe it is something God did give to all of us and it is good and will help you find the purpose. i'm not person who is asking money, niether fame, or grandeur.

One who know how much want to know why their here ? Why ? And If you read perhaps it will give that answer and find the reason of why your here and freewill and you do his plan did find out that he did gave you mission and it is personal.

I apologize sometimes i'm too forward and put things hard and the what give is hard and some do know freewill thanks to what we talk and many people have told thru the internet they like what they read. No way do I look to offend you or to hurt anyone. But here will help you and will help find the reason why he sent you and Why your here and find the answer to do it. Please look at the end and it will not disappoint !
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This is the hard things people and veteran christians like me know that those things are beyond the body and work and are what spirit of man his soul can do that God wanted us to do to worship him and to love thy neighbor and our God and it is what we can do to complete the law and ten commandments and even we cannot complete it perfect. Remeber it is Jesus who does.

We go with a question why do we have bodies ? Why in the first place ? Why is it important and it is part of what God made man and his purpose ? Goingt o to put the verses later but God made man and his body to be a temple. This is why the law of Moses forbids putting tattos on your body. That is the purpose of our body it is not meant to kill or build sckyscrapers. You can do that but God's purpose since the beggining is one thing.

And Jesus said to make God's will in heaven like on earth ! He said in a prayer in Matthew to be his will and if you have read what I posted about the commands and what is a command ? You will find everything God has said is a law and more important in the bible it is still hard for Judaism they have many interpretation on when God was talking to Israel, when he was talking to his prophets and when he was talking to kings. God everything he talks is perfect and told them exactly what to do but remember thruout history the flood, the destruction of the second temple, and the dark age of the roman empire. Humanity has lost the information God gave and humans change their way of talk and today people talk in another way and not how God told people in the time of Israel for some it bothers people.
Because what they say is not how we speak today in english, the bible was not written in english it was written in hebrew in the old testament and the new testament was written in greek. Still to explain the whole bible and be sure in hebrew that when God said things not all of it was said to you. It is important we remember those things because history affects us and how we talk has changed. But still with faith and love and truth. We can find what God said and we will discover all the secrets he says and what we must do to make his will come true and save people in faith and salvation it is hard and have to say this because it is important.

The body people is temple of the lord and God gave it to you so you can what purpose he sent us here ? What is the purpose of us people ? Remember the simple one is that we are God's witness that is why he sent us here. Because of the battle of good and evil and God's war against Satan he sent us here so we witness he miracles and deeds and when we die and judgement comes the lord will bring us to the stand and the devil will acusse us and Jesus our lawyer and defender he will save us and because we baptized we are free from accusation and we did he's will when we were alive and did his plan when we were alive. The witness is important and part of that is that we are to preach is word to the whole world and how do we do that ? By speaking about his testimony and being witness and giving testimony is also telling everyone what he said and God appointed a prophet to do that and that is their purpose. God not only told one to do the Job but guess how many but all of Israel to do it. And to do his testimony also singing is part of it.

That is purpose of the body to be a temple and not desecrate it but to move to one place and another and preach his word . God did not want man-made temples because they can be destroyed and when the second temple was destroyed God was mad and enraged. God did not David temple or Solomon because tent in the desert was humble and can be moved. But the Second Temple had inscriptions and symbols on made the walls and they were holy and when Babylon destroyed it the consecrated and symbols were destroyed and all of that is important. Perhaps you don't know and it is a good thing I tell ya. That is why the body is a temple that you can move and he wanted it to move all over the world and preach the gospel !
That is the importance of the bible that is why the body of man and woman is holy and we were to use our mouths and words to glorify God and preach the word. That's why we have a body that is our purpose you can workout, build with your hands, and do material things like painting but he did not give you that in the beggining. He wanted you to do one thing that is important as preaching and that is singing. The lord wanted you to sing in the beggining if it was not for the devil to try destroy God's original plan we all be on earth all of us singing and doing what in heaven they do. Sing " Kadosh Kadosh Kadosh Adonai Tzevaot " and sing for ever that is one of the few songs we know they sing in heaven. All this is important gold of scripture people and God's plan was for man not to sin and when we know we can change our life and body to do what he still wanted is what we must do !

This is not easy because when you find out what he wanted we realize their is an instinct we all have to survive and an animal we all have to change and be man of God or woman of God. And it is sometimes needed to conquer yourself and rebuke the world and be the person God wants you to be the person of the world but a person of the time of God's people when Israel worship God and loved him when in the times in the ancient days Israel had God's presence in the temple and they did good. God wants you to be his people and be fighting people that want to do good in your heart and be like Adam and Eve their pure form of love and innocence. How ? That is very hard. This where many of you don't know what i'm talking about and it is important and here is what God's love and tests he gives you to find that love and path is what he wants.

This is hard but it is what God wants and he wants you to be a child again and get that love and power to be his people again and be against the world. And be his people this is the important thing. He wants you to love again !

What is to love again ? He wants you to go back and be a child and from a child to do everything as a child not to be a man of this world but this is the important thing. To love like child and have faith in him like a child ? This baffles and how because in this world they teach you to be like what the world wants you to be ! A person of money, sin, and to person that obeys and does not questions the system ! This is very important and the bible does it say that we are his children ? Does the bible say to be child ?

Yes it does ! Jesus said it and many times in the new testament and to his disciples said it to be like children.

Matthew 18:1-3: Jesus tells the disciples that they must change and become like children to enter the kingdom of heaven

  • Matthew 19:14: Jesus says, "Let the little children"

  • Mark 10:14–15: Jesus says that anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.
    Jesus did tell us that and it is necessary. To love again.
is it that we go thru that, can we go and do something important and hard to do ? That we find that love and be a child again as Jesus says can we find those things. That is the path that gives us light and we can become those those adults that from that time of the ancient times become his people in Israel and be the people of God he wants ? Yes it is that path for us to be those Israelites that were in his time of them that were faithful and will do everything in this world to make his kingdom possible. To his Kingdome Come. It is those things that God reveals to his people only his people know to be those people of those times.

Why many people don't know those things because guess what they are not his people and his people will obey his commandments and will do more for him. And do that mission he did give you when you were in heaven to be here and to do his plan. This is too much and it is then you have promblem is you ! That you don't know what is that, you don't know God's plan and your are not his people and this will rock your chair and move the floor that your a easy christian and modern one that doesn't want to know and won't go find out why God sent him.

That your safe and cozy and you dont' want to go thru hard times and discover those things because you dont' want them and you had enough with the world. No matter what God did not sent you with out plan. He sent you because in heaven he told what he wanted and sent you here to do what he wanted but you don't know ! If this disturbs you good it does mean you don't know and have missing things in your life that is why you don't know he's pland and why your here and the mission he sent you.

I am an old christian and I went early to look for those things and it was hard but I remember it all back in the 90's remember and a lot of people forget what happened and last 30 years thinsg have change and what people knew back then of being good people is gone. Today the world has an agenda to make mankind believers of sin and don't want to find the true things of the bible. Go in deep study and pray and pray to find those things because I found a lot and back then in the 90's they don't know what you about all of this of this and freewill was something they still didn't talk but only college talk about.
No people the world has changed and freewill before isn't what today is. Back in the 90's you choose things more easily and their wasn't control today everything is digital. And before that it was analog now their is woke culture and cancel culture and guess what those are new words that just talk about the same old thing they talked about racism of african americans in USA which always the same and they don't deserve it. And cancel culture still talkin about shunning an individual for doing something that is offensive and doing wrong to feminism and racism.

All this is just to confuse people and make people waste time not find what they want to do ! What is their purpose and tell you to waste time thinking this is important when you have to go and find the real things in life that matter like family or doing your dream. And what is something higher than that is finding the real things of the bible and doing them in your life. That is important and if you put God first and you search for his things first I assure you will find why your here and have the thinsg that are missing in your life. The world will betray and fool you but guess what ? God does not betray and he will give your things and make you his people. You will get your things and it could be doing your dream, saving that person you love, finding the women you love and were destined. All this God will give if you look for the real things of the bible and the true things in the bible he gives. God gives it and it is his plan ! I pray for you find it and the path is hard but they do exist and I pray for you to have it ;D.