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Do we have freewill ? did we have freewill since the beginning ?

We start witht he story of Jenny if you find the likeness of real people who you recognized the purpose is that real people in life have found their purpose. They find their meaning.

Jenny was good women who was not a christian she was married and live a long life. Her life is example of hard times we all face and rewards do come.

Jenny grew up with her family and was a normal girl. She went to school and always wanted to be a writter she had friends but she awlays made fun by the group. She had an enemy Lana she hated Jenny. all elementary school made her lifea living hell and she was a good girl. She finish highschool and looked for love thinkning it was her destiny and found boys she like but was not sure they were the destined ones she was purposed for. And didn't get married or decided it fast. She went to college and thought she will find her true love and didn't find it their and didn't love any man liek she would she look for books and tried everything she realized she wan't going to find him and decided to continue life.

She went and work at many places hoping to find her purpose only to find she had a good job and loved her family and didn't know what she was made for. Later on she found out her old loves crushes were married and some died. She thought maybe it was one of them and times passes and she got old realizing she didn't find him decided to mkae a book about great stories some of love and were famous. She died but she was happy she wrote those books.

People I will tell ya this wonderful person did baptized also and she went to heaven, sometimes people we don't realize she was destined to write those books who help many good women to find true love and find their purpose and personal mission. I assure you God was not cruel to her and the most important thing she is wating for Jesus Crhsit to be ressurect her and will find her true love in heaven and realzie he wasn't with her and God planned that he did not come to earth and he was all the time heaven. God will do that sometimes and tests us. But she did have a happy ending don't worry true love wins in the end. And her purpose was to wait until the end of her life to do her personal mission and do that those books so other women could do God personal mission and find true love. God will bring the suprise to those who are faithful. like the bible says.

Matthew 19:12: "For there are some who were born that way, and there are some who were made that way by others, and there are some who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven.
You know, one of the things the Holy Spirit brought to my attention as I continue to seek God & Jesus Christ His Son is that there is a lot of debate & arguments erected only for the sake of debating & arguing against the truth.

It comes in many forms, but ultimately it comes down to the love of God.

For instance, some unfortunate souls know the scriptures through & through with limited understanding, and seek continually reasons to debate, argue, and prove against it; what they are missing is the Love of God.

What is free will in the Presence of the Lord? What is it? Since I know the Love of God is everything, then free will is truly nothing; what is in it? What does it do? What does it prove? Nothing at all. If free will is erected as a means to protect sin, of any kind, that is not free will, even the word structure 'free will' seems to have been something that came from the devil to cause us to separate from God.

What has my own free will ever gotten me, but to confirm me in rebellion against the Word of God and His Love? What is free will? A choice between what is good, of God, in His Word & Truth, or what is not? Hell! I can not see anything at all about free will that encourages anything other than rebellion, and what is rebellion, other than to despise and reject God's truth, His Word, His Commandments, His Son Jesus, His Holy Spirit, and .... His Love? God forbid.

That's why I'm saying this. There is so many arguments that are erected that truly hold nothing in them other than to fuel opportunity for rebellion & falling away. For example, the debates & arguments between genuine, God loving and God fearing men and women, and atheist or agnostics or whatever. 'Prove it, prove it..' Prove what? For God so loved the world that He Sent His only Begotten Son Jesus to die for the sins of mankind! What is there to prove? Jesus commanded us to not even be angry with our brothers without just cause, and to seek reconciliation even so, and to forgive even so, or WE would not be forgiven, to love God first, and to love one another second! Prove what? Nothing to prove. His Word says it all. Love. Love. Love. Be holy. Walk righteously. Walk by the Spirit and we would not fulfill the lusts and desires of the flesh. Exalt God in your life. Exalt God through your life. Share the love of God with all those around you. Prove what?

I have seen someone use on a letter to me to influence my vote for that year the word 'free will' to defend someone who is pro abortion and to abase someone who is anti-abortion, to keep abortion legal, and to prop it up under the satantic guise of 'free will' God forbid it for ever. Then comes the devil saying 'well she was raped,' to defend abortion! God forbid. Do you see what the devil is doing? The devil attacks an innocent woman, puts a seed in her, then uses filthy devices to cause the defilement of murder to flow from her belly, and then uses that to trap her! To trap those around her! To prop up his own device, abortion! All under the guise of 'free will.' Free will what? Free from who? From God's Will? GOD Forbid. Never.

Twcstp I just read what you wrote and freewill was not created by the devil but God created freewill and he uses it in heaven without limitations for good. The world is wrong for they cannot hold such a good gift like freewill and humans don't see that God's freewill what he wanted man to do with it in the Eden did give them freedom. Do you want to know who is an example of a man who did complete freewill and did what God wanted ?

Jesus is the example of how to use freewill in this world and against the devil and sin. Jesus did complete God's word and with love and it is something I wrote before. So people if freewill is a devil ploy or freewill was never meant for humans to use no you don't know God did not want freewill to be a closed box and did not want us to be robots who do not question or simply mindless robots. No God gave us freewill and it's actions don't save us but only Jesus in his love and works, he's sacrifice is our salvationis how we can do freewill like God want us using Jesus as our mediator and trust in him and let him in our life so he can taek those decisions and put it in his hands.

You can't do it all Twcstp but Jesus can do for you if you keep thy commandments and keep the 2 of love Jesus says. Be baptized Twcstp and if you done those things he will show you the mission he sent you. He will give to you because he prayed sacrifice more and tell him you want know and that you want he's help and you will be faithful to the end and he will give to you Twcstp.
becasue we are not worthy.
Speak for yourself.

Now back to the OP....

When one studies Free Will, we see that it is exercised within a broad set of limitations - physical, financial, social, educational, interpersonal dynamics, and who knows what else.

It's obvious that I cannot use my Free Will to wag my tail, if I don't have a tail.

It should also be recognized that Free Will doesn't promote equity. By exercising my Free Will I could never become a Michael Jordan to play basket ball the way he did. And I could never give birth to a baby (given that I am male).

But as with every human characteristic, the use of Free Will can be improved. We spend time to improve our math skills. We spend time to improve our language skills (to read and write). We can improve our spatial skills by taking dancing lessons (or learning Kung Fu). Mechanical skills (car repair), music (learn bagpipe), financial (get rich) ... we can improve all these facets of our life, and yet... In the minds of most everyone, Free Will is minimalized to the pettiness of choosing chocolate or vanilla ice cream for desert.

So I ask; who takes the time to improve their Free Will? And how? Can Free Will even be improved? It can (and must) be improved like all other human skills. It's likely that Free Will is the most important part of the human condition that needs to be improved and yet is completely ignored. Babies learn to walk, to talk, and at some point learn to say NO. The proverbial "terrible twos" happen because humans don't train their children how to use Free Will wisely. They are completely oblivious to the fact that saying NO is the child’s way of informing a parent that he or she is ready to learn how to use Free Will. And yet instead of being cultivated like the delicate flower it is, Free Will is typically stomped out, and then we wonder why a child turns into an incompetent rebel. (Spoiler alert, the parent teaches that behaviour to the two year old child, and the child learns it quite readily.)

Free Will is nothing more than our ability to choose, and to an infant this ability can only be expressed as a simple black and white YES or NO. Later in life people suffer through all sorts of pain and anguish because their ability to use Free Will was left at this infantile stage of choosing Yes and No, chocolate or vanilla, and never matures into an ability to choose wisely.

So how to improve the function of one’s Free Will? Mindfulness and Discipline are two key elements, and these too must be taught (and practiced). Perhaps I ought to have said “self-discipline.” If self-discipline is not learned, then only outward force is left, the proverbial mother screaming “Wash the dishes” or “DO YOUR homework.” A person who possesses a functioning Free Will never needs to be so badgered. A person who doesn’t, though, winds up in AA, or at worst, prison. They live life on autopilot, bouncing off of life events instead of guiding them.

Improving one’s ability to exercise Free Will, then, is critically important, but, unfortunately, is not as simple as teaching 2+2. (The Thalamic Pause of Null-A, while extremely important, is pretty difficult to learn as an adult.)

Now Since I cannot take the time here … (rather - since I choose to not take the time now) to delve into explaining the complex details of Free Will, I will provide a link to two books that will help one to improve the function of one’s Free Will, and I hope that you make the decision to use these to learn the various aspects of Free Will and how to employ them in your life.

Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivit…

Making It All Work: Winning at the Game of Work and Bus…

God bless,
Returning to the OP: Do we have freewill? Did we have free will since the since the beginning?

Since this uses the pronoun "we", it is apparently in reference to our father Adam, the first man. The OP involves some of the most complex topics, it is difficult, but no matter how you approach it, you ultimately end up with "the problem of evil" and how do you explain it. No philosophy or theology has satisfactorily given an answer. I'd like to give an approach on free will some may find helpful, it is as with most subjects, that definitions and how we view the meaning of words is critical to accurate communication.

Do we have free will? No, we do NOT have free will, we have free agency. We obviously make choices, and they are not dictated from outside our persons so they are free. That is free agency which every person has. But free will involves our very nature, and our will is bound to our sinful nature, and our choices are always sinful, unless moved upon by the Holy Spirit. Martin Luther and his followers, and John Calvin and his followers are in general agreement here. Luther wrote Bondage of the Will and the followers of Calvin teach Total Depravity. J I Packer Describes this well -

The second question in the OP, I take it refers to Adam. Adam had both free agency and free will. Once he sinned, he lost freedom of the will, he became a sinner. The day he sinned, he died spiritually, and eventually died physically.

The second complex subject involves defining and giving meaning to: fatalism, determinism and predestination distinguished from both fatalism and determinism.

Fatalism conceives of god or some other inscrutable power as decreeing the end, and then waiting till the appointed time to bring it about, regardless of human will or the prior course of events.

Determinism asserts that events are determined by the events that immediately precede them, which allows for the human will as a factor.

Predestination must be distinguished from both fatalism and determinism. Predestination is determinism plus the belief in a supernatural power that establishes the determining natural order, which includes the will. I find the following verses give an illustration of this:

"We are always bound to thank God for you, my friends beloved by the Lord. From the beginning of time God chose you to find salvation in the Spirit who consecrates you and in the truth you believe. It was for this that he called you through the gospel we brought, so that you might come to possess the splendour of our Lord Jesus Christ." (2Thess 2:13-14 REB)

"Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, To the exiles of the Dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, who have been chosen and destined by God the Father and sanctified by the Spirit to be obedient to Jesus Christ and to be sprinkled with his blood: May grace and peace be yours in abundance." (1Pet 1:1-2 NRSV)

God predestined his elect to find salvation, BUT, he also predestined the means, (his gifts of repentance and faith) by which He accomplishes his purpose.

The "problem of evil" is a philosophical question regarding how the following three ideas can coexist: God is almighty, God is perfectly good, and yet evil exists. This is not a problem for the theist alone, atheistic philosophies struggle with this as well.

In spite of my clumsiness of expression, hopefully it will help stir biblical investigation into truth. The difficulty as I see the problem of evil, the truth of the matter involves delving into the mind of God, and we humans just cannot go there.
"The LORD saw that the wickedness of humans was great in the earth and that every inclination of the thoughts of their hearts was only evil continually." (Gen 6:5 NRSVue)

"The LORD looks down from heaven on humankind to see if there are any who are wise, who seek after God. They have all gone astray; they are all alike perverse; there is no one who does good, no, not one." (Psa 14:2-3 NRSVue)

"The human mind plans the way, but the LORD directs the steps." (Pro 16:9 NRSVue)

"The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the LORD; he turns it wherever he will." (Pro 21:1 NRSVue)

"I know, O LORD, that the way of humans is not in their control, that mortals as they walk cannot direct their steps. (Jer 10:23 NRSVue)

"The heart is devious above all else; it is perverse— who can understand it?" (Jer 17:9 NRSVue)

"who were born, not of blood or of the will of the flesh or of the will of man, but of God." (Joh 1:13 NRSVue)

"No one can come to me unless drawn by the Father who sent me, and I will raise that person up on the last day." (Joh 6:44 NRSVue)

"Jesus answered them, 'Very truly, I tell you, everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin.'" (Joh 8:34 NRSVue)

"I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing." (Joh 15:5 NRSVue)

"Now, therefore, why are you putting God to the test by placing on the neck of the disciples a yoke that neither our ancestors nor we have been able to bear?" (Act 15:10 NRSVue)

"For I know that the good does not dwell within me, that is, in my flesh. For the desire to do the good lies close at hand, but not the ability." (Rom 7:18 NRSVue)

"For this reason the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law—indeed, it cannot, and those who are in the flesh cannot please God." (Rom 8:7-8 NRSVue)

"So it depends not on human will or exertion but on God who shows mercy." (Rom 9:16 NRSVue)

"You were dead through the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the ruler of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work among those who are disobedient. All of us once lived among them in the passions of our flesh, doing the will of flesh and senses, and we were by nature children of wrath, like everyone else, but God, who is rich in mercy, out of the great love with which he loved us even when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved— and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the ages to come he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God— not the result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we may walk in them." (Eph 2:1-10 NRSVue)

"for it is God who is at work in you, enabling you both to will and to work for his good pleasure." (Php 2:13 NRSVue)

"And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would approach God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him." (Heb 11:6 NRSVue)

"Man lost his material freedom, that is, the rational power to determine his course in the direction of the highest good, in harmony with the original moral constitution of his nature. Man has by nature an irresistible bias for evil. He is not able to apprehend and love spiritual excellence, to seek and do spiritual things, the things of God that pertain to salvation. Modern liberalism, which is essentially Pelagian, naturally finds the doctrine, that man has lost the ability to determine his life in the direction of real righteousness and holiness, highly offensive, and glories in the ability of man to choose and do what is right and good. On the other hand the dialectical theology (Barthianism)
strongly reasserts the utter inability of man to make even the slightest move in a Godward direction. The sinner is a slave of sin and cannot possibly turn in the opposite direction." From Berkhof's Systematic Theology
I do wish help to rhema
Kind sir, truth be told, I can barely understand your English (okay, actually I don't understand your English - I find myself having to make too many assumptions). But while I really do appreciate your effort, I do not find poorly written concepts to be of any help to me.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for the kind consideration, but you need not waste your time on me. And I shall look forward to the day that we can converse with clarity.

Walter was man who was born in 1920 he was kid and live south of europe he's mother took care of him and he love his father grew in a farm when he was a boy and he heard of war going on but didn't know what was happening. He's father had to go to war and her mother and him to survive without him. He suffered during the first world war and time passed his father was killed in action.

Her mother didn't know what to do grieve for her husband. Walter without his dad had no idea what to do. The war ended soon and walter was now older and he draft inside the army. Her mother scared of what happen wanted to take her child far away from the war. Walter hated Hitler and join the army he left her mom in the farm and she had to attend herself. Walter was in the war and suffered horrible.

He lasted as much as he could one day he recieveda letter her mother was killed by nazi soldiers. The grief of poor walter now no one can take care of him. The world has ended he said. He said God gave him strength so he was fill with anger he wanted to kill the nazi's that murder her mother. Anger can fuel for righteous cause to stop the nazi movement but forever in your body can destroy because fire destroys everything in the end. Walter survive the war and he decided to leave Europe he had to go thru 2 world wars and got to america thanks to his hardwork he got a land and found hapiness and where he got baptized and he's family survived found his wife but had to start a new life in America and had kids. Sometimes life will take you thrue those moments in history and it is hard but their is a happy ending.
Another story this one I can tell ya.

Mary the mother of Jesus knew she was borna nd her purpose and the angel Gabriel came to visit her and tell her. Is it biblical that women can find their purpose ? Yes. Mary knew and she was a brave women and smart. She avoided so many promblems and she made hard decisions to avoid being caputred and even had her baby in the manger. She was astute and always protect Jesus. She was really a brave woman and did the plan of God. And she did the hard women do in life to bring a savior to this world and let him die to save us. She is an example that faithful women and women who obey God and are astute did his plan and found why they where sent and why her plan was given by the lord.

Many women in the Bible knew their purpose in life, including Hannah, Mary, Anna, and others.


  • Prayed to God and brought her brokenness to him
  • Received a child named Samuel from God
  • Vowed to give Samuel up to be trained in holy discipline

  • Trusted God's plan for her life and gave birth to Jesus, the Messiah
  • Faced uncertainty and fear, but followed God with faith, hope, and trust
Aslo Hannah is one who did God's plan.
Gonna talk quick about this. Also another way says the bible is dreams. It is biblical.

We will look at one biblical one also we see also thru dream goes reveals your purpose and one prophet joseph found how to know he's purpose is thru dream bible says dream and vision will be given to the old and the young. Does god give dream and tell people how to the mission eh sents. Yes he does he did for Jospeh and he will do it to others. It is complicated I don't go thru their because I don't have dreams nor do I recieve dreams like joseph. But I know heard about that and their are stories of Jews, women, and another modern person who had dreams.

Joel 2:28-29.

28 “And afterward,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your old men will dream dreams,
your young men will see visions.

29 Even on my servants, both men and women,
I will pour out my Spirit in those days.

They found true love and dreamnt him, Jews who had dreams from God in this modern day and one had a dream of being in accident and he didn't go to avoid the dream and he saved himself . That Jew had dream about it but some dreams come true and did not. He is modern jew of this century. And another normal modern man had dream of someone who was buried in his house and he was murder so everynight he would have the dream again and again. He decided to go to a place and found the dead body and he buried him.

This are the things that happen and it is frightening perhaps the man who dreamnt about the dead body and he went to dug him up was the purpose of him being there and God planned this is how it will go with the plan of God. The bible says it.

Acts 2:17. 17 “ 'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.

Job 33:15-18

15 In a dream, in a vision of the night,
when deep sleep falls on people
as they slumber in their beds,
16 he may speak in their ears
and terrify them with warnings,
17 to turn them from wrongdoing
and keep them from pride,
18 to preserve them from the pit,
their lives from perishing by the sword.[a]

Not going to enter in all fo this. I have not done deepstudy of how God does that and our body does it by science. It is complicated. I do not have dreams I had dream a long time but I did learn God from research and bible verses. Dedicated to him my whole life but do not know all the science and how Joseph recieve his information. But still God uses this and uses this type of methods and whatever purpose and how he does it he knows. I know some prophets in the bible did use dreams to recieve information and did God's plan recieving dreams. I will not go talk about this much did not do deepstudy for this only freewill and women bible part only. Only Expert on those sides of the bible.
6.Baptized yoruself become a better tool or a better servant to the Lord and one of those things that God wants you to have is be a baptized and obey him. Once you baptized God will reveal his mission to you he will reveal the personal mission you were sent. Sometime we are sin and being baptized changes us and makes us cleaner. Better servant to God.

7. Another Biblical way to find the personal mission God sent you. Is after you baptized make a deal with God, a promise, and vows to God. It exist that women can do vows and husbands can forgive them.

Here's the short answer: all vows are sacred; some are also foolish (Prov 20:25; Eccl 5:2–4). Breaking any vow is sin (Deut 23:21; Eccl 5:5–6; Num 30:15). God will forgive vow-breakers (Num 30:5, 8, 12; cf. 1 John 1:9), though He warns there may be dire consequences for failing to keep a vow (Eccl 5:6).

God will accept a vow their is in the bible kings who were evil says the bible and repented and they made pledges to God and change thier way to lead his people. God gives those opportunities and you will promise God no more drinking, gambling and if your dream is a business or he wanted you to do business for his plan to enact in this world. Say you will give a part to him and give him. When this is done God will bless and you pass a test he will give the personal mission. It is God's plan you endure hardships to fulfill the personal mission and other who have done it have recieve the personal mission. God does fulfill promises to you.

8. Dreams are a way also God uses man. joseph was an example and did the plan of God and he fulfill God's word of his message of the dreams jospeh recieve it is complicated and dreams are messages God can send for you to do his will and purpose. It is hard you can pray god for a dream. I do not know all of it but deepstudy freewill and women area of the bible. The dream thing is complicated but for those who recieve a dream and you have it many time it perhaps what God is sending you to do and you must figure it out.

9.Breakthru all your prombelm and be astute and solve your promblem pray to God he will deliver. Be smart sometimes you ahve to do what the prophets did to go find the personal mission or complete it.

Proverbs 2:6:
"For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding."

  • James 1:5:
    "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you."
    • "With the kind You show Yourself kind, With the blameless You show Yourself blameless, With the pure You show Yourself pure, And with the crooked You show Yourself astute".

Matthew 10:16​

Jesus taught his followers to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. This means combining the wisdom of the serpent with the harmlessness of the dove.

10. Do nothing is part of his plan is the last after you do all this is what a story we talked about you will get you answer at the end of the life. It could be your at 70 and God will reveal his mission to you at the end because is when you will do your stuff it could be starting a business, finally reconcile with a love one and found she was true love. After so many errors they love each other forever, or recieve inheritence from uncle. Those things happen in real life and are the plan of God. Be astute to do all this things ask help from your church, your friends, and family and also above all from God's and he will move it all for you and change it because God forgives and he is beyond you and has mercy. He does not betray the world will betray but he will not. Like the bible says he is not like us he is God. And God who will help those who don't have food and no cloths and he does not forget your promise.

He will do it but how much of yoruself are you willing to give and he will reward because worst than you and unworthy have asked his help and he has help those people. And people who have done more crimes than you were saved and baptized. You who are son of Israel or daughter and a son will be giving what you want sacrifice more and he will give to both of you. That's a promise he does fulfilled.
Many people in the Bible found their purpose by following God's will, including Moses, Abraham, David, Ruth, Esther, and others.


  • A Hebrew who was raised in Pharaoh's palace, Moses is an example of how God can use people who don't think they are qualified.

  • Abraham obeyed God's command to leave Mesopotamia and travel to the Promised Land.


  • King David was a successful warrior who defeated Goliath, but he also faced jealousy and attempts on his life from King Saul.


  • Esther was an influential teenager who encouraged others and taught them the impact they could have on others.

Other people who found their purpose Joshua, Joseph, Ruth, Solomon, and Rahab.

The Bible's stories of these characters are intended to teach people how to fulfill their destinies and do God's will.

Romans 8:28 says, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose".