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Do we have freewill ? did we have freewill since the beginning ?

th1bill Let me ask you can you tell what is God's mission for you the personal one may I ask. I apologzie to you do not offend when asking. Like the conversation and God has a plan and I know you know your are god's witness but god send you in the world ? WAs it to help your father ? Or help somoene be with Jesus ? Did you accomplish your dream ?
I am a teaching witness since 1990
There are two possible ends to your prophesying, You could be one of the profits slain during the Tribulation or you might make a fool of yourself, time will tell.
In Scripture it tells us to be a fool for God. And for the fact that I was born on April Fool's Day really fits me well LOL
We have freewill God lets us decide to do good or bad and our purpose in life is when we make that decision. it's easy to not know that purpose because we are different. But freewill God gives it but he also gives us the law and the law is not wrong and niether is freewill just soceity itself is wrong and we have forgotten what is the normal back in those days. Society mistakes and thinks G-d is against freewill but gave freewill the right to choose and they have invented freewill is voting, paying taxes, and civics duties.

No people those things are the mistake modern society makes because they think they have evolved in such A way they surpass all of Israel back in those day but truth G-d is fair and gave us all. We have lost what is important love because human society is wrong and it's foundation is false and invented by masons.

G-d created it all the rocks, the atmosphere, everything has been giving and from all that we have built buildings and empires everything we have built has come from him modern world is our work and act but we do not acknowledge them we take the glory and everything for we are sinful. The concept of government we have created but we emulated it from G-d and his kingdom the order G-d has it first, the structure he establish since the dawn of the universe.

We have created rights but we cannot use our rights agaisnt G-d and say he has violated them or civic manner say our freedom and establishment of our democracy hits against G-d and his kingdom. For he has the kingdom and the law. The law of his word and we do not have that for G-d gave us words but we are babylon the law is only his. Nor it belongs to hebrew people, eunuchs, or angels it only belongs to him to judge.

Our own system is flaw because we copy from each empire that has been establish Babylon, Rome, Greece, Britian, and Nazi Germany. Each has given its concept of right and law and all have copied each other and failed. Because again bible has establish that G-d and his system works and we with our notion of democracy and rights have copied on Rome and Babylon and they are wrong.

The most important things that because we have technology which has help us after world war 2 we think we have surpass it all and enter the digitla world and we circumvalent our promblems of family, corruption, and normal things we had before the 1950's and think we are gods. And we want to be eternal and to be like powerful like G-d because it is what we have always been thinking because all of it is copy. When we are original and have the right system like he does everything works but our government and system does not because we are with flaws and our own boundaries aren't the solutions they are A reminder that we will never have A perfect system thus our rights and belief in them cannot be the truth.

The freewill is revealed that there is A difference from freewill with G-d on accepting the right and wrong and succeeding in that way and from freewill from our modern concept which has failed and clashes with G-d's law which is right and truth and unless we do not use our rights against G-d freewill is that what we make only A lie and it existence false.

Freewill from that point of view is that of society and since society has masonry in it and all foundations of masonery is babylon and Dagon it compells people to make G-d like unfair despotism but you cannot apply that to G-d for he is G-d and he is God of Gods those words are just feeble people who make laws copying the old empires and fallacy arrives in it's policy.

There is A way government can follow G-d's politics but that will be another day. But people and society will always collapse confronting and using thier rights and saying there is no freewill when you have to one understand things from G-d's point of view understand what serveth the law, how the law is completed thru love and how faith as A tool helps you make A better realtionship with G-d.

When you find the truth and love in his way that G-d establish thru Jesus Christ you understand A secret way which freewill co-exist with G-d and love is what that bound unites it and makes freewill work but not under modern society but thru G-d mosaic law and know that is true freewill has been given to you but from the stance of modern world and republics establish go into error. I will explain more but have did A lot.
There are a number of things that I really do not agree with you on in your statement here. And it seems that you are really against the government no matter what. But in everything that you've said about the government or at least the USA government you are really wrong in many ways.

" Our own system is flaw because we copy from each empire that has been establish Babylon, Rome, Greece, Britian, and Nazi Germany. Each has given its concept of right and law and all have copied each other and failed. Because again bible has establish that G-d and his system works and we with our notion of democracy and rights have copied on Rome and Babylon and they are wrong."

The truth is, that the United States is completely different from all other countries before the existence of the United States. People like Jefferson, Washington, Franklin and all the others that were involved in the building of the United States saw something completely different than what has gone on before. And this is the only country in the world that has used Christian values in its creation.

" but our government and system does not because we are with flaws and our own boundaries aren't the solutions they are A reminder that we will never have A perfect system thus our rights and belief in them cannot be the truth."

God knows that we are human, after all he created us. And of course we are with flaws. I mean look at Peter, he certainly was with flaws I mean he rejected Jesus three times before the **** crowed. And the many other things that Peter fell down on his face for. And yet Peter persevered seeking forgiveness from the Lord, and became a great man in God.

So if we have the example of Peter as the example of mankind then we are in good standing.

If you think that you have to be perfect before God, have the perfect system before God, then you're thinking is flawed. God wants us to be human which means to make mistakes but also to seek God in all things Even in our mistakes.
No one is perfect before we judge others and take decisions correctly not base on anger or ones personal experience it must be done if God does it already, if God moves destiny, predestination, and God's will and you see he those things he's way. God does not need us because we humans make errors. I will say bill USA one of best governments of the world. Remember God's government is better and it was not David or Solomon. It is Jesus when he governs on Israel and on Zion.

I talk more advance way bill i'm sure you have analyze the politics and you know how the system works there Bill but USA has very powerful christian system. I know about the system I lived for along time in USA more than 10 yrs know them have many good friends wish them all good. After I left I studied alot of history and politics but unlike many I always check all the corners and viewpoints of all articles of politics and religion. Don't go normal or mainstream always seek God's viewpoint and God's viewpoint he sees more than we do. And on every subject of the bible God wants a special thing of each story of the bible. What Moses did and got desperate and hit the rock, when Elijah wanted to leave because he was gonna be tortured by Jezabel and Ahab, and Peter denied he's lord 3 times and shows we all fail for were sin.

People can say their just and perfect because they want it but their not no matter what they say. USA is one of the greatest countries in the world because of Jesus Christ. All this belongs to God.

But the promblem Bill is that if you want to be human because you repented and you been baptized and you do things been human and do God's will and live like jesus okay Bill. But will tell ya if you want to know Bill the personal mission God sent you. The one where God told you bill when you were heaven and he told to come here and I don't know you bill he told all of us and he told us differently our mission our purpose. He did do it, why. Remember God is a God of order and he doesn throw people in space randomly and good luck to you find the reason why sent without help and go do it. He is not that Bill he sent the bible to help, he sent the prophets and kings so we can copy them in the bible and live their lives so we can find the mission like they have. I will tell ya it is hard for we are all different some of us are shovels, some of us picks, some of us the bag to carry the dirt, and some of us other utensils God created to help his Garden grow !

And bill will continue in another post !
He has put the bible to help us find the mission if God sent the majority of us to earth from heaven is to be his witness but God also sent us a personal mission and it will be who that person is and it can be many things friends, family, or finding the one love you were meant to be God will send the mission. God is complicated bill without a doubt he is more powerful than any God. He is the God of Gods.

He made it hard for us to find that and if you wanna find will tell ya Bill. Their have been people in history who are not christian and found true love. They said God planned them, God made their destiny. They are not christian but reality of it Bill gentiles can do God's plan with out them knowing it because God use them as examples because they are his children even if they don't say it. And people in history who found their purpose scientist, kings, and famous people were part of the plan of God. Scientist who invented antibiotics, Kings of britain like king james who help the protestant movement flourish, and G.K. Chesterton A prolific writer that did good for society because of his literature. Some of them knew God was using them and others didn't. But Bill God told all them they were gonna do that and God says in the bible ! That he planned them and when they were in heaven he sen them on earth to amke them do that. It is hard Bill people will say Why did God sent me without knowing why i'm here and he expect me to do that ?

God is hard and does not tell us our purpose for some we have the luck to find it at the end of our lives and those who do find it early is because they search for it early in their life. Like the bible says those who search for the kingdom if heaven early will find it and unfortunately does who do not work hard and try everything until they realease if they baptized early and do things he's way they would of found it earlier and would of done it. So many people leave this world ;-; and they do not know and didn't baptized. Let me put the verses that say God planned us and in heaven he planned our purpose.

Jeremiah 1:4-5

4 Now the word of the Lord came to me, saying,

5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
and before you were born I consecrated you;
I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”

People where was God when he tell us this ? He is heaven and prophet remember something important the word Nevi'im (נְבִיאִים) means prophets. We are sent to preach his word all of us simple. Don't complicate yourself. We don't have powers and we do not need of them to tell people who is God and preach his word with love. But we don't have athourity like prophets to go around and say we do signs and tell people their will a tornadoe or storm he doesn't want us to do that. Their two prophets coming in the end times and people associate them with the old testament and new testament. if any people in our time and future who says tornadoes are coming or storm and posts in the internet and doesn't come true he is false prophet.

Remember the first prophet was abraham and he did not do miracles like fire tornadoes or cure with a staff like moses nope he told people with words what will come from God and who he is. The prombelm is prophets were mere speakers in town and in moses and abraham era God sent prophets remind Israel and the tribes to keep his word in their life and serve God. Not all prophets do miracles or supernatural works to get thier mission done they repeat what the bible says. What the Tanak says in those times.

Another examples is John the baptist he told and preach of the messiah coming he was right and didn't have supernatural powers like Moses. Remember God told us to say his word and people will get confuse with this. And simple to do things about preaching like Jeremiah with out the powers. And talk about his word who is God and who is Jesus is why he sent us here. This is an example people remember Abraham was special and the reason why Abraham's relationship with God is a model for the relationship between humanity and him.

Isaiah 49:5

5 And now the Lord says,
he who formed me from the womb to be his servant,
to bring Jacob back to him;
and that Israel might be gathered to him—
for I am honored in the eyes of the Lord,
and my God has become my strength—

See another example like Jeremiah preach the word and gather Israel back to God to remember his word and his promises God gave to us. Don't tell me people that God was only talking to Jeremiah and Isaiah and we don't need to do that. You want all of you to find that personal mission like them ? Let see again those who read this and want to find the personal mission or just be his witness simple ! Does the bible say to do what prophets and the people of God did in the times of Moses and Abraham ? To do things like the bible says even though your name is not jeremiah or Isaiah ?

It does people to do God's will we have to listen to the prophets in the bible not modern people who say their prophets. I'm not a prophet. The bible says to do God's words with love and keep his commandments.

Deuteronomy 18:15-19: "Listen to the prophet, and do what he tells you in my name"

Luke 11:28: "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it"
Is that you have to be God's people before a person is chosen by God he is from the Israel and from the tribe of Israel to become a prophet and God's people are those who follwo the lord no matter rain and fire comes in your path. Always faithful to the lord and not to be part of the world, here are some verses.

Romans 12:2-8​

John 3:1

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.

Deuteronomy 7:6

6 “For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for his treasured possession, out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth.

1 Peter 2:9

9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Acts 2:38-39

38 And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself.”

1 Peter 5:6-7

6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, 7 casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.

Romans 8:28

28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose.

Everything goes according for a purpose. And here we see to be God's people thats we have to be God's people and those great people is needed in your life they are your parents if they search for it and the whole life wanted to be like them and they have it they are an example to follow or your pastor, your cousin, and your friend. Those are his people and those are the ones who love and did the bible with love and obey his commands. It's not easy.

But this is he's plan for you to be he's people and carry your cross and follow him. God chose you from heaven and sent you here and before he did he order you in heaven to go here and from his will and his heart he planned you go and face your problems and do what you were send here to do. God is God and he gave you decision and you can decide and change you life, desitny or purpose.

Jeremiah 29:11 11For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Psalm 139:1-24

139 O Lord, you have searched me and known me!
2 You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
you discern my thoughts from afar.
3 You search out my path and my lying down
and are acquainted with all my ways.
4 Even before a word is on my tongue,
behold, O Lord, you know it altogether.
5 You hem me in, behind and before,
and lay your hand upon me.
6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
it is high; I cannot attain it.

Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future".

God planned for you to be born and do his will. He does plan for welfare and not evil. If evil is in your path because of your parents, your teachers who don't believe in the bible, and your nieghbors who are part of community who all decided that they don't want you to succed in life. They didn't get help and want you to feel their pain and want you to be put in their place. You friends their jealous of you and behind your back mess you up and try to ruin you because life wasn't fair them. The community they are educated and fools them is the world, that community is called the world. They don't know and when people don't know what purpose they have and don't like their life and don't care. They destroy each other and do injustice they learn from tv and traditions they pass one to another.

Bill continue with another post to answer know I took more time but this is not easy to talk about it is hard because getting the mission is worth it and when people do it and find it their Problems get fix. But to get their is hard so have people who wrote about it and what the patriarchs and prophets did is hard. Wait until I finish and their is a biblical way scripure says we can have it and he does give it and I know it Bill.
you sure :O

The phrase "plan of God" most commonly originates from the Bible verse Jeremiah 29:11, which states "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.".

It is says plans and if God said it he said the word plan from his mouth it come form him which means " His plan ".
It does exist Rhema and king james is not the base of all bibles. Follow God on how he said things in the past when he told his people what are his commandments because we have changed our way of talk thru times.
What are the paths that God sent us to do his will, to do his plan ? God sent us all and it's hard to believe God sent each one of us a population of a 10 billion we are now people and God plan each person his path, the birth, the death and his life. Before it all happen ? How ?

It is hard but God can do it for he is beyond all of us and he is a God of good. We see all this problems people in our life but God said it all to work in the end for good. And when we see the end of God revelations culmination of his master plan and his powers we see that he will show us when we die our purpose and if we did or not !
Donald Trump is not going to get assasinated people, he's got security and he got doubles. Reagan when they tried and assasinated him it was double he was in no danger. They got too much security for that people. USA is too big to fail policy keep him there but sometimes it doesn't mean they can do it foreign policy and all that. No government is perfect everything God is going to give tests people and put things in God's hands people remember this could of been worst for all of us.

But a reason God decided things in the future and if for reason we all have to go thru this test we will pass and get to 2028. God put Donald Trump and his character of him in presidency for a reason and let God Judge him and love thy nieghbor and love God. He will decide and what is God's plan is that everything will work in the end for good.

People if the end times were here the third temple would be destroyed and the whole world be preached the gospel the end times will be here now ! And they say the world will end a long time ago and it hasn't it will not end with Donald Trump.

live everyday to the fullest with God and one day at time also let the world worry for itself, let tommorow worry for itself like Jesus says but because today is a good day that you can enjoy your life with family and friends. And God loves you if he wanted to end this world it would of ended with George Bush or Bill Clinton and it didn't. He still wants you to find your mission and your Enjoy life.
Jeremiah 29:11, which states "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.".
I did say the King James Bible:

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.​
(Jeremiah 29:11 KJV)

However, that verse. That specific verse (Jeremiah 29:11) is not in our Bible (the OT that Jesus used). How did it get in to yours?


(BTW, were that verse to exist, God was only speaking to Jeremiah, you know. It would be a bit pretentious to apply that to oneself.)

It does exist Rhema and king james is not the base of all bibles.
The English have an idiom "Don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs." :) I think it applies here. And with regard to the NT, I've been reading the initial Greek for more than 50 years now.

Follow God on how he said things in the past when he told his people what are his commandments because we have changed our way of talk thru times.
As a Biblical translator, I am quite aware of linguistic drift. But I can also express admiration for those who know two or more languages. Your English may not be the best, but I can't speak Spanish at all. :confused: (Unless you're using Google translate?)

The only commandments from God that matter are those that have been given by Jesus, and Him alone.

Glad to meet you.
People here finish writting going to give the information you need to find that mission of God and will write about several people now will put different names and if you see and read waht they do and they talk and go with each example and their will be stories of people. One if the you see in the end the solutions good then and you use them good. Just if you the stories and recognize they are of people in the real world and they real life events. I don't put the real names to avoid copyright. I'm alawys careful and wise not to go rushing things, God for a reason goes slow everyone cna have chance to be saved and achieve what purpsoe they want in life.

Patience is a virtue you all need please and God is patient with you be patient with others they also learn thier mistakes and advance in life. Good things are those who work hard and God gives fruits to be a better person and all small things matter we don't realize how many times God saves us in this world we don't see the miracle and invisible things he does to save us but he does things in his wisdome and he is great. Apologies in advance do not wish to offend you, if you see in this talk your life and see too much burden do not feel bad that and you don't want to continue your life because it is hard do not feel bad.

I know what to do and you reading this will help ya, will help ya defeat your obstacle will make you realzie the plan was there and the solution for is easy and simple. And the hard things aren't meant with ya and you will feel relieved. Perhaps you have already done it and your giving the rewards already for ya. And if you read and can't find a solution pray for I will pray because I have gone thru storms and sufferment and I know you will find it and I pray you find it because God wanted you to have the things you want and be happy forever ! For me you get your stuff I will go thru all the problems of the world and know to solve many problems and unknown to you I know God's will and I want all to be saved and all be in God's kingdom !

You will see you will find the solution here !
Thank you Rhema if you study deep scripture the word plan exist in this versions of the bible I will tell ya rhema the word plan in hebrew is different and you search it. It is not expressed like we talk in english. In hebrew the word plan is


The word plan in Hebrew is macheshebeth which is in a feminine form. It means plans, schemes, designs, thoughts, hopes, and dreams.

God's plans,God shcemes, God designs, God thoughts, God's hopes, and God's dreams can the word be used in hebrew.

Also the word

Tochnit” תָּכְנִית ~ תוכנית

is the Hebrew word for “plan.” In the Old Testament, this word primarily means “measurement, pattern.” In modern Hebrew, “Tochnit” also means “plan” or “program.”

This words mean plan but it is not the same as God's plan no where in the old testament is there " God's plan " is no coined together but still it doesn't mean it doesn't exist it does exist. Simply what we say in english and modern times is not the same as they say in hebrew.

Doesn't mean God didn't say it he did create he's plan and does give us each a mission to what he sent us here and it's hard. Simply Rhema when God told his prophets, kings and his people to do his plan. The plan involves his will ! his word ! and he's love ! If you search for the commandments he's word come from his thoughts and his heart how he thinks and how he uses his mind is not possible for us to be like him.

But we are servants and he sent us with a plan a mission that he gaves us and he wants to find it. The promblem rhema is that back in Moses times and the king era. God gave one thing simple to obey and worship him back but we are babylon and all civilization and our race. Humans are divided because they are incomplete and thru time we chaneg our way of talk to try and understand this world he sent us. He gave us one line to follow in this world and do his will and that is simply be a witness. But the devil has done all the effort to stop us from doing this plan and also the personal mission because he is always against God and the war between the devil and God rages until the end times.

It was simple back then and even though the reason things change is science people have evolved and become smarter and stronger. Now people don't need God in their life they have all the powers to do whatever they want ! Now their is expression that some people say in the internet and that " We are Gods now " governemnts and the world will say they have surpass God and know all his secrets. The antichrist will put his kingdom to destroy God's people. Government and civilization have strive to be like Gods and be like the God of Israel. That will not happen because we will never reach God. But the world will be fooled and they will believe to reach level technology that makes them believe they are perfect.

The word God uses we see "Tochnit" when applied is he's thoughts and tells us from his mind he comamnds us to do. But unfortunately we see the bible God tell us to do the plan of his but we cannot because we are all different. Destiny or our purpose is different and our problem is when he told us to do things remember he was talking to his prophets and the kings and when he talks to Israel it is different as before I said Daniel when God gave prophecy you will see in.

It was written in Hebrew (chapters 1, 8-12) and Aramaic (chapters 2-7), with Aramaic essentially being the language spoken in Babylon during the time of Daniel's exile, not "Babylonian" per se, but close enough to be considered the same in this context of it was written in hebrew.

This proves God has different way when he talks to prophets, kings, and Israel. All of this matters and the small details is important.

There is promblem in history is that the way they speak in the times of kingdoms of Israel and in the times of Moses when he was alive also changed. That the way hebrew was said was lost and modern scholars of Israel not sure how some things are said and example is. Like the name of God ( Y-hova ) it's pronunciation has been lost. This are examples but still we know God has plan and even though not coined together it is been done. But it is destiny or our purpose that like God's people to be faithful to him and love to do his plan and by our works we will get there. He has shown us with bible verses and his prophets and his stories how to do it and the promblem is time. Times have changed and it is hard for all.

But the word of God helps us to do it because those before us have already done it remember and God's people have done his will to be those people is hard but to be them you pray and God will give, to love and love like them and believe like them you will find that mission and complete it. God gives it to you, you need sacrifice and sacrifice the thing you most want and he will give it.
Here we see Max and how he lives a life like today and he's a builder and he wanted to live a life with his family and love of his life. He works hard and is normal. He doesn't care for others he likes his life and does't ask for much. One day he gets bills in the mail and their too many. His wife loves him and doesn't worry they will get ahead and he sure later he will get a raise. For a construction worker life is easy because millions of contructions workers just repeat and do the same thing over and over. Build offices and sckyscrapers but it's modern world and he owes money. He spent months working and realize more bills coming. He worries the day a robot will take his place and deosn't know what to do he looks for his family help.

His aunt tells him she can't do anything she is old and tired and tells him he should look for his uncle he will now what to do !

He went to meet his uncle and told him " life's like that" and you can't solve your promblems easy and he can't help ya either. He tells not to drink and get lost in it like him. He went to his mother and his mother told him that he has to change that we have our past our family curse and it is happening to you and you better don't end up like your uncle. Max has is plagued like his father and uncle to drink and play cards they gamble and don't know how to stop. Max positive believs he won't fall to the same thing like them.

This story will explore that families have problems and that some of us don't know that some transcend from the time in the past. Max does not know if he's family was always that a family of servant that never achive anything and max must break that pattern he must break the past. The thing is that he's family was in debt and his great great grandfather lost the money and he ran away. People who looked for him lost him and son of such person who looks for his great great grandfather still wishes to ask penance and follow his family only to try and ruin him for past and sin that is not his.

Those things happen you will see God's plan will help max that in history those things happen but the bad thing is that we do not know if it is happening to us. We don't care and we think we are nomral and live normals lives becasue they taught us that in school. And perhaps this will help make you realzie their is something in your family you don't know and God wants you to solve and it is his plan and it is why he sent ya.
Max didn't care he didn't believe his family and his wife loved him so he continue as time goes by he liked his job but didn't get a raise he got assistant manager status but realize he's life didn't change he wasn't going to move anywhere. He told his wife he wanted to move and perhaps it was better. The wife didn't that was he running away ? From what ?

For Max life can be solved he like his bricks and legos and working hard will help him get ahead and he was in the 1980's he realize he's father taught him and he's father died of a heart attack long time ago. He didn't witness it but missed his father. He met his girl in high school and love been with her. Life was simple and he found love was good. One day his wife wanted to join a church and find Jesus christ and Max didn't want to why God he didn't like God and the bible and had read it and didn't like. Their was too much violence and God punish people.

His wife would say later then Max believe he didn't hurt anyone and didn't bother anyone he wouldn't be bother. He let time pass and he took life for granted. One day he started to bet and he love playing cards and he didn't realize the person he betted was someone Max didn't know and but he knew Max's family and his grandfather he offer a lot of money in the bid. Max thought he could win and lost the money for the whole month. The guy wanted more but max got scared and decided to fold and leave. He didn't want to tell his wife and later as time passes. His wife found out was furious with him and left him.

Time passed and max realize he made the same mistakes as his father and uncles. Some will tell ya that family curses or family hereditary diseases don't exist but you don't know but unfortunately family hereditary diseas do exist and are cause by consequence. Cause and effect and everything echoes from the beggining of life and humans don't realize our ancestors have done wrong in their past, perhaps the worst they were bad people who had to do wrong to survive ? The bible says the sins of the father are not the sins of the sons.

Ezekiel 18:19-23 American Standard Version (ASV)

The soul that sinneth, it shall die: the son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son; the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.

But unfortunately spiritually sons actions before the court will seperated from the fathers actions when God judgement comes in the end times. But if your father was a warlord in the times or famousa singer of modern times and they found out he was criminal your reputation will be destroyed and people will reject when your good and your father was bad ! Sometimes life will let that happen it will let that srpout when you least expect it !

Such are the lives of people of this humane world because that is the reality of life. How many lives of people know that happen like max ? Why did he deserve it and he doesn't know life played a game on him that he's father and father before him and father got tricked or didn't know what happen to him until ti was too late should of he gotten help ? Maybe he's father didn't !

Max realizing he lost it all for some game of cards prayed to God and found a person on the streets he met and was a christian friend he told of his bad timing. He told he wanted to change and he realize he wanted to leave the promblems his uncles have and he wanted to change. The friend told him to come with him and he accepted to be a christian. He got baptized realize drinking and cards ruin and he prayed day and night and decided cold turkey to leave drinking and gambling forever. One day he walked and found his wife and they didn't recognized her he apologized to her and told her he repented and change his way. His wife loved told him that he accepted him back. And he had a happy ending.