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Hey @Bill , @Brad Huber , @Sue D. , @B-A-C , @Admon Mikha'el , @KingJ , @Gracy Hansda , @DieAmartyr , @nuclPUmky , @Josephine2006 , @Trevor , @KittyLinda , @Curtis
I just thought of something.
So back to the original question. Does Jesus Love Satan?.
It occurred to me why initially it can be difficult to answer this question.
First if you say no to the OQ, the thought is, how can God not love Satan and be love.
And if you say yes, the thought is, then why is Satan going to hell.
The issue is how we look at Love.
When we look at love, from a carnal perspective, we think of love as something that you do.
And as a result we often associate love with certain actions. We say, this person is giving the
homeless man some food, he is showing love. Or this guy give his wife flowers, he loves her.
And we do the opposite, This parent just kicked their son out of the house, he hates him.
Or this employer just fired this employee, they don't care for them.
As people in the flesh or with carnal minds, we focus on self. Therefore our definition and
perception of love often has to do with what is being done to us or for us. What action is happening.
Now, what if we changed our focus or our definition of love from focusing on what you do to who
you are? What if our definition of love was grounded more in a state of being, being love, rather
than "doing or showing". Don't get me wrong, actions flow from who are we, however two people can do
the exact same action for very different reasons. Two people can give money to a friend and one do
it out of love and the other so that the friend is indebted to them. The one who is giving the money
in love is not doing the action to show love, they just happen to have a nature of love and when certain
circumstances of life interect with them, their actions naturally flow from who they are.
If we focus on love as something that you are, rather than what you do, than it ends up being more about
being true to who you are rather than doing a specific action. Imagine a loving father who has two children.
He finds out that one child has been sexually abusing a younger sibling. The father loves both children, but ends up
kicking out the older offending child from the home for the safety of the younger child who is the victim of the abuse.
Would anyone say that the father does not love both of his children? I don't think so. But if the question were
to come up, the only reason one would ask if the father loved the offending child would be because they would
be looking at the father's actions and saying "He is doing this...." And this thing that he is doing causes harm
to another person (the son being kicked out-- Satan in hell) and if you "Love" then your actions are not suppose
to cause harm.
That is the lie we believe because of the way the world defines love.
That is why guys tell girls, if you love me you will have sex with me.
They don't see that the girl denying the guy his request is not because she doesn't love
him. Once again, the guy in that situation is looking at love as something you do.
He is thinking if you love me these actions will follow. Instead of seeing love as more
of a state of being. The girl can have a nature of love and still say no to have sex with
her unmarried boyfriend as she stays true to her values, true to her relationship with God,
and continue to be compassionate and caring for her boyfriend. Her saying "no I will not have sex
with you", does not negate her love for her boyfriend. It only does if you are trying to define love by
solely examining the actions instead of the nature.(doing vs being)
Nature versus presentation.
Can you tell as real diamond from the fake? I can't either. If there were two diamonds in front of us,
a real one and a fake, and I give you the fake and it shined and sparked just like the real one, if the expression(sparkle, light, shine)
was just so convincing, I could probably be able to fool you.
However if you had a scientist get a microscope and go down to the atomic level. He or she could tell you if there is a certain
molecular bond of hydro-carbon chains and authenticating that such was a fake and not the real diamond.
Such is how I see love and this discussion. Love can be faked in many ways and we fool ourselves into thinking
we love when at the core, at our nature, we don't as much as we think. Just as you shouldn't determine if something is a real
diamond only by how much it shines, one shouldn't based if someone loves (more accurately, if someone "is love") just by their actions. You need to go
to the heart. "......for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart. " 1st Samuel 16:6-7
So when we ask does God love Satan, what I really hear is "If God does love Satan why
is God not showing certain actions to Satan that we expect should happen when you love someone?"
We ask, why don't I see what my carnal eyes expects to see when someone loves another.
We say, why do I see actions from God towards Satan which I don't associate with love, because I'm trying to determine love by the actions being done.
So does God love Satan? My answer, God is Love.
Anyone who chooses to receive this love can receive it and be loved by God,
everyone who chooses to reject this love is free to do so.
However their (Satan's) actions does not change who God is, God continues being love and true to who God is regardless of the actions of others.