If that last quote, you quoted (Mark 9:38-41). Is directed at me. "Well get out of my way" and let me be about my "Father's Business"!

And you should go "Study" and read your "Bible" some more. "Because, you are as "Green" as a "Avocado" growing on a "LuLu tree " down in the "Jungles of Mexico" under the "Canopy of Shade Trees" and thinking you look pretty

. Hey, "Christ4Ever", Are you Exhibiting or Experiencing, "The Fruits of The Holy Spirit" about now? And is the "Love of God" and peace to all men flowing through "Loving Heart" about now? Oh, that is a question.
Now, please do not grow any "horns on top of your head". "This is a Test"! Hello, testing 1, 2, 3, Testing to see whether are you in "The Faith or not"! "How do you like me now"? "I'm I smooth. Not really! " We are pick out, to be pick on"!
PS. " Christ4ever" , You still too "delicate" For Real "Spiritual Warefare". And to realize what it is. And you still walk in The Flesh. "He has to crush you some more. Just be prepared and "consider it not strange, the fiery trials"
Your Brother in Christ, either you know it or not, it doesn' make any difference.
"Let us take the wood off of this fire"!