But should the virtue of not wanting pride to crowd out, exclude the questions? I'm sure there's a balance in there, somewhere. Anyways, I'm not saying your wrong SLE, but that's not reason enough for me to feel the need to cease and decist on my questions. I feel depressed in this struggle. I even went on the web to see if there are any agnostic/athiest groups that I could check out, because I don't feel I'm getting any answers that satisfy some of my questions.
S.i.e, I'm not answering for SLE, but I'd like to point out that the virtue of 'not wanting pride' isn't a factor in asking the questions. The questions you asked are good ones, and natural ones. The Scriptures says that we are all sinners, all of us fall short of the Glory of God (summarized in the first part of the book of Romans). So to me it makes sense that we are cautious of anything, even ourselves and God.
However, the problem of pride does come into the picture when and whether you choose to accept the answer to your questions.
Let's start from there, where are you getting your answers?
From this forums and any other biblically-minded sources, you will get the pointers to the Scripture because that is where the real answers are. Remember the point that I brought up about us (the creations) needing some kind of revelation from God (the Creator)? The Scriptures (as a whole) is that complete revelation, specifically written to instruct us of our purpose in this world.
Also remember that keyword: Purpose. As long as man (atheist and christians alike) choose to ignore our purpose as a creation, it does not matter where you try to seek the answer, you will either be exhausted and give up, or be spiritually disoriented all the time.
Next, you "could" get your answers from the atheists...
I can't put in a link yet on these forums -- so go to You Tube and type in "God the Psycho", and check out Pat Condell's 6.5min clip.
Seriously, if you strip out some of this guys cynical / comedic biases, and listen to some of his views on God, they make sense to me!
S.i.e, I can twist any story or message for the purpose of eliciting laughter from an audience. I may not be as funny as a professional comedian, but I could do it.
If you are considering atheists as a source, please keep one point in mind. They are not without bias, in fact, they have to be biased *against* the Scriptures to even have a platform to stand on.
Why is this? because all of us are bound to a natural world. How then can we *know* for sure that there are not a super-natural world? So if we want to reject the idea of God, all we can do is to refute and ridicule (in a lot of cases) the Scriptures because the Scriptures (as I mentioned before) is a revelation from a super-natural Creator to His creation.
This discussion reminds me of a long time ago, when I seriously consider to become an atheist. All their arguments seems make sense until I discover that none of those arguments have a cohesive theme or message. Sorta like criticizing individual threads on a huge persian rug and missing the grand beauty of the tapestry itself. And all I can sense is their hatred towards the Scriptures and towards God. In a way, they are more faith-full to their self-made dogmas than most christians to the Scriptures.
I've mentioned why Eden seems like a setup...which he actually mentioned too...but he talked about alot of other things about the God of the O.T. If you actually think about them, objectively - as in if you just think of yourself as a person for a second, and not necessarily as a person who needs to be biased by a particular faith or viewpoint, God is actually pretty crazy!
Telling Abraham to kill his son -- then no, let's not do that (nevermind the psychological damage here!) -- or killing all the people via a flood -- or telling people to go kill all the people in a particular town (women / children / et al) -- and oh by the way, pleaes go ahead and also burn it down to the ground too.
Ah, this is interesting
Let's explore this.
The fall of Adam and Eve. If you see this as a "setup", then I'm afraid you have *chosen* a position in which God is Evil.
Let's think for a moment: The story tells about a Sovereign Creator, who has given nothing but good things to the first man and woman. In Genesis 1 we read that God's purpose for creating mankind is for them to rule over the living things on this earth.
God also give the first man the most suitable and beautiful companion that he can't even imagine, a woman.
Then God gave a *clear* warning about staying away from two trees in the center of Eden. Which God has put there to test if man (and woman) are obedient to Him as their Creator God. That is His rule and objectively-speaking, being *the* Creator, He gets to set the rules.
The story goes on to say that it was Eve first, then Adam (the one responsible for Eve) *choose* to disobey God's warning. Satan already *chosen* to do that even before all this, that's why he tried to get man and women to follow him.
Now here is my question, how do you objectively infer a "setup" from this?
I can infer *choice* and freedom to choose. No arm-twisting, only a consistent and just Creator dealing with disobedient creations.
If you want, I can explore Abraham's story with you, but this post is getting long, and I wanted to respond to your other points. But please, let me know if you are curious.
Anyways - if you seriously ask yourself these kind of questions, and consider them simply as a human being (i.e., take your bias'ed hat off for a second) -- what do you do with all that?
How do you explain all that away? How do you reconcile the bad stuff God ordered to be done, with the belief that He is good?
S.i.e, who is our Lord and Savior? Who is it that the Old Testament prophets talked about? Who is it that in his brief life on earth has fulfilled all of the prophecies recorded in the Old Testament about Him? Why do you think He sacrifices Himself on the cross for us?
Has He ever once tell his disciples to murder others for His sake?
Has He ever tell his disciples to strike back with violence?
What did He do to an ear which was cut off in an attempt to defend Him?
Has He ever disobey God, His Father, the same God that is revealed in the Old Testament?
Has His apostles (there are only 13 of them) ever teach christians to murder others for Christ's sake?
What did they (the apostles) do to their persecutors?
What are His two most important commandments? Love your God, and love your neighbor.
I am sad that you omitted the above questions (really, the whole New Testament) from your research, which is similar to a very popular strategy employed by those who are *biased* against the Scriptures. Read on, I'm not ignoring the Old Testament...
And yet, we Christians are so completely offended when we hear that the religeon of Islam orders it's true followers to kill infidels? That doesn't seem all that different from the God of the O.T. that I read about!!
The Old Testament is an *accurate* historical record of what God must do to preserve his chosen people, Israelites, His commandments, His standards and His unchallengeable integrity. He can utter a single word and none of us would be here today, yet he has chosen to give us a record of what He had to do in order to steer us back to our purpose. That's how serious He is.
Read the *specifics* of those commands to kill. Each has its own unique condition in which God must do it (in His sovereign power and wisdom, which none of us can equal) and has given ample times and warnings, not out of evil or malicious intentions. How do we know this for a fact? because this is the same unchanging, immutable God who later (from our perspective, not His) sacrificed His only Son for *all* humanity.
Regarding comparison with Islam (I grew up in a nation whose people are predominantly Muslims), Our Lord and King, Jesus the Christ (not a mere prophet) commanded us to *pray* for those who persecute us. Do not make the mistake of putting Him at the same level as a warlord who claimed to have a direct revelation from his god, all by himself.
In closing, S.i.e, I have done my best to use objectivity in all my correspondence with you so far. I have avoided sharing my personal experiences, and the experiences of those around me (real people) whose life has been transformed by God's kindness and grace.
But ultimately the choice is still yours. In the end, I truly hope that you come to a decision not to take portions of the Scriptures out of its intended context and purpose, and *much* more importantly, to open your mind to the Holy Spirit.
As always, thank you for this opportunity to exchange thoughts.
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