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SignUp Now!I appreciate your thoughts here, Eagle Eyes -- but how could it be that an entity could create something, yet not have a part of himself that at least identifies, with that something? Perhaps God is not capable of being evil (He just created it. ??) -- but how can you say that "Satan did not come from God because he was not of God" -- if God Himself created Satan?
Also -- where do you backup (i.e., scripture) this idea that Satan and his fallen-angels are not eternal beings? Again, God created them, originally anyways, as angels -- which are eternal beings, are they not? Not only that, but they also "came from Him" originally, no?
Hi there. First post. Sorry if it may be in the wrong place. If it is...not sure if there is a way I can change that around.
Anywho...I'm curious about this question. I'm sure the resounding answer from all 'yall will be yes, absolutely, and then give me a bunch of scriptures that would prove it. That's fine. I don't mean to take away from that...but...
How do you know it to be true? Please, outside of quoting to you know? I don't mean to minimize scripture here...but I could quote anything from any book to support my view on most anything I might want, right? Me quoting something doesn't tell anybody how or why I believe it, or how it's real in my life.
b/t/w - if this helps, I'm not asking because I'm looking to debate. I want to listen. I want to hear. It's become a real question to me that I'm asking myself.
There is no scriptural evidence that mankind was destined to have a sinful nature. I believe in predistination, but only concerning Christ's redemptive work.
Adam did not have this corrupt nature s.i.e. Adam had pure choice to reject God's instructions.
We cannot approach the truth, we have to be drawn by the Holy Spirit. If Adam was the same in nature as us then why was he evicted from Eden? Adam was evicted due to disobedience. This is what is written. Then his nature became corrupted, he then had to work the ground to eat. I am not able to adhere to predistination in anything but that which concerns Christ.
Black stocking Calvinists believe that man's fall was predestined.
I am not a black stocking Calvinist s.i.e. There is no scripture to support predistination concerning man's nature.
God is spirit not flesh, God is not a man. Our rational mind does not peer into the nature of God. God's nature is eternal, God is not good, He is perfectly good. Like I said before s.i.e, goodness is an attribute of Love. God is defined by Love.
When I was young and my mother applied well deserved physical discipline to my rear end, I did not see it as 'good' because it was so darned uncomfortable and embarrassing. Now I know that it was good because it taught me some important life lessons. Also, though I don't recall any instances of this, I'm certain that if anyone had posed a serious threat to my personal safety and well being, they would have found my mother to be a force to be reckoned with as well. She would have vigorously defended me and she would have won the battle.
I have seen no evidence in scripture that suggests Adam and Eve were any different than us.They had the same nature without sin because there was no sin.
There could have been no sin without the knowledge that they were sinning and they could never have known what sin was until their eyes were opened.Had they not gained the knowledge they would still be pure.(It's what comes out of a man that is impure)
It was not a sin to eat from the tree.It was simply a bad idea for the man to have the knowledge that he could be separated from God.Even worse would be to partake from the tree of life while having this knowledge and to live in this separated state.
I don't see any evidence in Genesis to leads me to believe that there was a new corruption taking place or any change in their very nature."Opened eyes" is more a change of state than of nature.The nature to understand the law or formula was always there but they could not see it because of closed eyes.Obviously the serpent had a point.
I think they had to work because now this new knowledge or formula would be their focus.God does not curse the ground,Adam would with his new knowledge.God does not curse the serpent,the natural course of these events would.
God Does two things at this point.He puts enmity between the serpent and the woman and their respective seeds.Also he multiplies the travail of childbirth.
He then makes them skins.
Finally they are driven from the garden
22. And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever.
I don't think "disobedience" is the reason for being driven from Eden.Although that new term would now be their master.
It was because Adam was "one of Them" now.
The garden is sealed to keep(preserve) the way.
That way would be the way home.(That narrow gate that you can't fit your stuff through.)
Isaiah 35:8. And an highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called The way of holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it; but it shall be for those: the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein.
Lots of other references here.
If I'm wrong please tell me why?
This does not answer the OP but if we are going to use scripture then lets be accurate,logic should stay with logic and science with science.
Sorry for delay in my reply.
I'll explain this as best I can, but I'm sure it will elicit further questions. Anything that God created had a beginning and must, therefore, have an end. Hell, say, was created for Satan and his angels, therefore it must end. Satan is a created spirit being and, therefore, he must cease to be. Human beings, on the other hand, are created physical beings (flesh will cease to be). Now, in every human being there is a spirit, and in every spirit a soul, which controls the spirit. The spirit, in turn, controls the flesh (basically, we are created in 3 parts). Now, the soul either came from God (eternal) or Satan (not eternal).
Now, God created Satan who, outside of God, was the most powerful angel in Heaven, but he got puffed up and God kicked him out. Now the questions is, if Satan was eternal, he would have to have had come out of God, and that would then mean that evil resided in God, which is impossible. In a nutshell, what God created, Satan then perverted, i.e., lie is truth misrepresented, adultery is right act perverted etc. That's how evil came into the world. In the beginning the serpent (Satan incarnate) said to Eve that surely she wouldn't die. But God said that she would if she didn't listen to what God said. That is Satan's power (to pervert) and today we are living in Satan's eden, where perversion covers the face of the earth.
You ask a good and vital question. Would that all who do not know the answer, would ask the question. Jesus Himself said "Ask, Seek, Knock. "It shall be given, you will find, it will be opened" He was talking about Himself........
I met Jesus when I was a young man seeking an answer to what life was all about.
I pray that you too will seek until you find.......find Him whim to know is eternal life'
Hey - no pressure. Fully understand if you don't care to comment back. I appreciate your thoughts, and this it is. I also get that our exchanges have possibly run their course(s). Thanks for all this, will. Really.
1. Characterized by or appealing to an abnormal and unhealthy interest in disturbing and unpleasant subjects, esp. death and disease.
2. Of the nature of or indicative of disease.
I'm getting here, from you, that it is wrong to ask the questions I'm asking. I'm getting here, that we should not dare to question God.
I disagree.
At the same time, I don't question His complete sovereignty to do anything and everything He wants to do.
You cannot simply put Lord Jesus on the side while you "deal" with God's character and motives on your own.
Since we know that God is Spirit,who was Adam and Eve talking to,and walking with?? They were walking with Jesus!( 1 cor 1:9)they were having fellowship with the physcial presence of God,for as you all know,no one has ever seen God! 1 cor 1:9 GOD is faithful, through whom you were called into fellowship with HIS SON, Jesus Christ! Now if the debate is that Jesus is not God??Please check out these scriptures and see if this not help you as well. John 5:19-47,John 14:9,John 10:30,and john 8:58 Hope this helps!! blessing to to all!
This is a remarkabe statement to make:
"reconcile the fact that they indeed are ONE (Jesus and the O.T. God), yet they were so drastically different, or at least, so it appears by all measures! "
But don't you also believe this was needed as well.As the people of Isreal were so used to lack in Faith?
God choose more then one way to present his love both to his own people( Isreal) and us a well.