You are not the one who determines that someone is not saved on the basis of a discussion on a forum! How do you know she DIDN'T present Christ to her Children! That kind of thinking gives me a very unfavorable opinion of the typical Christian. The church we attended pounded the pre-trib fallacy, and she didn't want to be raptured because she loved her children and didn't want them dying in the possibility of an accidental death due to a rapture, or her teenage children left alone during those
Dear brother you gave an example, I reversed your example for consideration.
Now if we stand back a little and look again we can see two situations not one, I am not talking scriptural, I am using your example.
You have said that the lady loved her children, brilliant all parents do or should love their children. You have said...
She didn't want to be a Christian because she had 4 teenage children and didn't want the car to crash and burn should the rapture happen while she was driving with her kids in the car. She didn't want to be raptured because she wanted to be here with them should the rapture happen.
On a Post Trib situation I can understand what you say but, not everyone believes in the Post Trib. there are so many views and so many items to consider, many believe in the Pre Trib. so what if the Tribulation accurred sooner than she thought?
There is another consideration here, again looking at the situations with an open mind based on what we are told in The Word.
You appear to say Post Trib. as you said, you cannot see God letting the things happen that have been mentioned so far. I can understand your thoughts brother, but let me put this to you for further consideration.
1 You do not believe God will make none believers suffer death due to a saved soul being raptured
2 Do you therefore thing God finds it acceptable to let 'saved believers' suffer, not just the Tribulation, but Hell on earth in the Great Tribulation.
Both options include suffering and death, option 1 the lady doesn't want her children to suffer and die, so in effect you say it is right that God should let saved souls suffer the Tribulation periods.
I keep an open mind here, but I believe God will save his children from the Tribulation Period(s), particularly the Great Tribulation, the last three and a half years under the beast, the anti-christ and the devil. Would you let your children experience this? There is something more special here to, the saved are not just God's children, we are the Church, the Bride of Christ, is Jesus going to let His Precious Church be open to the evils of the world at that time, He is lifting us out, He is lifting his church out, The Bride of Christ, The New Jerusalem, the Holy City, that will come down on to the New Earth when all things are made new.
God lifted Noah and his family out before the flood, before the wicked none believers died in the flood. Jesus will, I believe, lift His Bride, His Church out before the wicked are dealt with.
The reason we are studying these things together is to look at God's Word and collect the jig saw pieces to have a better view of what he has told us, what he plans for us, what to expect and to be ready, even if we cannot be quite sure exactly when these things will occur. Watch, understand and be Ready.