The wages is sin is death, that we are all sure to agree on brother.
But I cannot accept your suggestion when I listen to what Jesus tells us in John 15:1-17.
- Jesus is explaining in parable form, God is the root of the vine from which all goodness comes from.
- Jesus then explains, He is the vine which is fed by the goodness from God, describing His closeness, His abiding.
- Then He explains we are the branches of the vine, grafted into the vine (when born again from above)
- The connection to God is through Jesus
- The goodness of God comes through the vine to each born again soul
- Without Jesus we can do nothing, all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus >>> We must listen to Him <<<
Why are we grafted into the vine
- to bear fruit and bring Glory to God.
- if we are not grafted into the vine, we are not born again from above, but Jesus is clear we are in Him so He can be in us and grow and bear fruit.
- There we can be 100% certain Jesus is telling us who are born again, grafted into the vine, of our connection to God through Him, and that we MUST abide in Him to bear fruit.
If we do not bear fruit we will wither, but that doesn't mean we are automatically cut out, cast out of the vine, no no, the vinedresser will prune those who are flourishing in fruit to bear more fruit. Depending how much we wither is whether or not the gardener, God the Father cuts us out.
Jesus is Lord to the Glory of God our Father.
How can anyone reject the words of Jesus over other beliefs?
Regarding scripture, I am open always to the scriptures, open always to the Spirit revealing something to me I may have missed. He certainly surprizes us from time to time!
When scriptures appear to conflict, I keep an open mind, scriptures never conflict, it is us humans who don't understand at that time. When we get different views, as we have and will on other items, I keep my mind and heart open. In this case I have not received enough from OSAS believes to convince my heart that that view is correct. Now it has been said, to not believe OSAS is dangerous, I would reply that to believe OSAS is very dangerous, more dangerous.
OSAS is not in the scriptures, Jesus' words are! Jesus words speak the Truth, He has all authority, how can anyone not accept Him at His Word?
Now if others had provided enough evidence from scripture, to make me think they have a strong point, then I would immediately say, there has to be another reason, we must pray and search the scriptures. But this is not the case.
I have accepted all scriptures raised on the topic, but it does not appear OSAS believers, have tried to explain what Jesus says in, John 15:1-17, that they believe it doesn't mean what he actually says, even though they are words of warning from our Lord himself. Born again believers, grafted into the vine, who wither from righteousness back to sin, can be, will be, says Jesus cast out, cut out of the connection with God.
I appreciate many comments made, God is Love and he wouldn't do such a thing! That is not what Jesus says, it is not what God through the scriptures says. If you are not born again of water and spirit you will not see, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven, Vengeance is mine says the Lord, etc, etc.