well the mere suggestion of that is very troublesome, be careful
I agree God knows everything, my spirit in my testifies to that. God is Love , but he is also a just God to those who will not repent, God cursed this world, and the word of God full explains we it is a battle between good and evil, God is so loving he lets people live hoping they repent giving them may chances.
interesting take on it, and I lean towards one can loose salvation, more then I do about osas so we agree on that. But I do not think Judas was ever saved, his testimony in the gospel, shows he was stealing from the Treasury the whole time !! that is not the fruit of a saved man. Jesus chose him to fulfill scripture that was written about his betrayal in the OT. Just because your name is written in heaven, does it mean you are saved?? it does not say his name was written in the book of life. Those that die in the second death have there names written in a book as well and that blood is in heaven, yet we know they are going to hell. so I just don't agree Judas was ever saved, but I do agree one can walk away and loose salvation.
I end to agree with this, but I doubt they will be shouting from the roof tops LOL

they will be cowardly hiding ha ha.
I tend to agree with this, but God can and does use people that are not saved I believe, For his purpose.
We are on the same page about Luke warm Christians for sure!