Free will choices send folks to hell .
So a sinner is not in the "Bondages of SIn" but free to chose. And Jesus cannot buy a free person. because that would be a act of force slavery. And Jesus is purchasing slaves by His own Blood. That is why He has become our "Master" and Lord and we are commanded to obey, in complete submission to our Lord.
Is not this is the definition in "ISBE" the
"International Standard Bible Encyclopedia " for "lord", "master" and "slave", Bondages of Sin" which is the definitions for all Biblical words written in the BIBLE. this Encyclopedia is the "Standard" that all Biblical Words written in the Bible are judge. "ISBE"
How can a man have freewill if he is in "Bondage" to sin, then in "Bondage unto Righteousness"?
New American Standard Bible
Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly I say to you,
everyone who commits sin is
a slave of sin. [no freedom here]
2 Peter 2:19
They promise them freedom,
while they themselves are slaves to depravity. For a man is a slave to whatever has mastered him.
[no freewill here]
Romans 6:16
Do you not know that when you offer yourselves as
obedient slaves, you are slaves
to the one you obey,
whether you are slaves to sin leading to death, or to
obedience leading to righteousness? [no freewill here]
Not arguing here now. I can understand the world not understanding The Light that has come into the World, to show many. The world cannot see bondage, they think they are free to choose. "satan is a deceiver" "The Perfect Deceiver".
But Children of God Our sight and lens is the Bible and we believe it they don't. We know we are in bondages until the "Coronation DAY" when we shall receive the "Full Inheritance of SonShip. it is plain right before our eyes in the person of Jesus Christ this is what everything is all about. and everything else is "temporal" and was design to be destroyed by GOD and never be. Everything is design by GOD. And everything is on course as been design. We cannot think human but Trust and obey GOD. This Story is about JESUS and we are secondary, GOD LOVES HIS SON. this is what this Story is all about.
He is doing all of this for HIS SON. We need to
stop reading all of these verses and read the book over and over and over again and over again. Until we see the whole picture in our mind. And then we can understand what "grace" and mercy is, instead of a definition in a worldly and semi-bible dictionary.
Read this again and chew this slow:
King James Bible
Jesus answered and said unto him
, If a man love me, he
will keep my words: and
[then] my Father will love him, and
we will come unto him, and make our abode
with him.
How do you know you love Jesus? You keep his commandments [words]
When will GOD the Father Love you? When you keep Jesus commandments [his words] ;;;;;;;;; { if you do keep Jesus Commandments GOD The Father do not love you] Do not get blow out into space it is kinda a "paradox" and complicated.
Many think they know what this means
they don't. "for GOD so love the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believe shall be save" I am going tell you right now many don't. it does not mean what you thing it means. I am not trying to keep the doors of the church open and keep the lights on and repair the roof
and keep the "Coffers" full.
Jesus Christ and his Father are not the same person but they are one.
One day the world is to going see, the Devil and the demons and the moon and the Sun is going to try to hide and they can't find no where to hide.
We must read the fine print "GOD" The FATHER is not "Betty Crocker"
I know i cannot be reading the same Bible as my Peers "Our Loving God" is so loving. ............ I don know that one. The one i know, Thunder and Lighting Pillar of Smoke the earth start shaking Moses knees start knocking Daniel fall on the floor and cannot get back up from the Holiness presence of The Angel.
And i have read nothing about "Betty Crocker" in that BOOK. And get no Fluffy feelings either.
Do you understand where i am coming from.
We are going to see.

I am not dis agreeing with you
"Reba 1"
I am putting a little heat on the flame.