People are known By their titles.
Donald Trump is known by his title -- President Trump.
I'm known by my many titles -- mother, grandmother, great grandmother , widow -- which means I used to be married.
I'm a conservative Baptist -- I identify as a born again believer.
When a person says they are RCC, I know what their basic beliefs are. Or as I'd sit down and talk With a person I take time to listen and ask questions.
A Muslim person is going to be following Allah / Mohummad and Not Jesus Christ.
Sue , if a woman loves God with her heart , does she love Jesus ?
The answer is yes . This is because loving God deep in the heart can only come from God . Scripture tells us this to. In loving God , the person already loves Jesus and the Holy Spirit .
Those people are born again in spirit .
That passage you keep saying was ment " Only " for the Jews Rom 2 : 12 thru 29 ( meaning direct physical desendants from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
) is also written for the spiritual Jews . And We are amouung them .
You are always so practical in your thinking , God is much more than practical . Im trying hard to open you to see as God sees . It is the spiritual side you keep missing .
God is so much more than face value . His love extends deeply to the world . Knowing Jesus is not just a physical thing . Jesus says , love God with all your mind , love God with all your heart , love God with all your soul , and love God with all you are .
It is the same as the Trinity . Any part of the Trinity a person loves from thier heart . That person already loves all of who God is . The person may not know ( physically ) who Christ is , but because the person loves God . They have already accepted Jesus as Lord .
This understanding will be given to them at death .
Think of the story Jesus spoke about Mathew 25 : 31 to 44 .
Passage 34 reads Come, you whom my Father has blessed, take for your heritage the Kingdom prepared for you " 35 , for i was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you made me welcome, naked and you clothed me, sick and you visited me, in prison and you came to see me , then The Virtuous will say to him and reply, " Lord when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and make you welcome. And difficulty sleeping naked and clothed you, sick or in prison and go to see you? " and the King will answer, I tell you solemnly, insofar as you did it this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me.
These Virtuous were before the throne in Heaven . They had already died and they were at Judgement . They did not know Jesus . But Jesus knew them .