This will always be a tough one, and especially in these last where the US and UK governments change laws now so we can be prosecuted for speaking out against such things.
Very sad but surely a sign that was promised- we will be persecuted and the truth is no longer accepted
It is interesting to here how many times someone of this nature will say, I can't help I should have been born a woman, not a man, it's in my genes and so on.
These dear souls need to be born again and receive a new life with new tendencies and a new heritage- that of the 2nd Adam.
But this is like Jack the Ripper in the UK saying I can't help it, my father was a serial killer as well, I simply must go out and kill and have my fix, it's in my genes.
Like Adam saying I can't help it, transfixed by the darn fruit tree, I so gotta eat of it, can't help myself. Though we know it was Eve first.
We can ask the question why Eve, women, are they are softer touch, no disrepect, I'm taking fairer sex, though actually today, modern western culture you find women harder and more independent than men, but that's another story all together,
Truthfully Adam could have helped it ; he placed his will and his desire (for the woman) ahead of his love and obediance to God.
I have often been accused of giving satan too much credit, as if everything is down to him, when unlike God he can't be every where at once.
But this is where the demons come in (fallen angels).
If we do something often enough and I know from personal lust experience, it opens doors and lets them in.
It can be difficult, I recall being put off and probably still am, people like George Michael and Boy George and so on.
Then I'll say though to anyone like that no, it's not you, God loves you, love the person hate the sin.
Often, don't know about others, if we are weak in faith, I know I tend to lash out at something to protect myself.
This is certainly true- Jesus reached out in love and offered freedom. religion offers condemnation and the pointing of fingers. Most folks know what their problem is and need to be shown the answer.
Same with TV stuff, because I'm frightened of being influenced.
How Lot lived in Sodom I don't know, with all that went on around him, and maybe he was influenced to some extent.
We see this today with powerful medium that TV is.
And we know before Jesus returns how bad this will get.
Even the so called Christian channels are now a con, all prosperity teaching, give money to us and be blessed with an angel and money in return, so on.
Be selective- it is like eating watermelon, you have to eat the fruit but spit out the seeds. Personally I only watch a few "Christian" shows as most are a perversion of faith teaching love of worldly gain. That is in direct opposition to the heart of Jesus Christ.
Sign of the times I guess.
Anyway, hope that helps some.