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Limited atonement !

Thus it's the book, not the names, that are from the foundation of the world
Technically, no. That which is "slain from the foundation of the world" is the Lamb. Not the names, nor the book. I don't see how names can be "slain," nor books for that matter.

The text here provides no indication when the Lamb gets a book, or when names are written therein.

In addition, Revelation 3 states that names are not written, but rather removed.

He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.​
(Revelation 3:5 KJV)​

The inference is that everyone's name is in the book until it is removed.

@Brightfame52 , you did not take a stab at answering my two simple questions to you in post # 130. So let me answer them for you.

YES, partiality is evil and NO God is not evil.

God is good Psalm 136:1, righteous in all His ways Psalm 145:17 and He is impartial Acts 10:34.

All Calvinists are failing at their "one" Christian job. This being properly representing God to the lost. Being His ambassador 2 Cor 5:20. Explaining how an omniscient God can be impartial.

Partiality is an extreme evil, stop misrepresenting Him to the lost that the He loves and died for.

Imagine standing before God of the universe all alone oneday and having to explain why you taught all that He sit atop a list of the most evil beings to ever exist
No, it hasn't been. It's open to all who choose it. If a person rejects it, that's their prerogative. However, the invitation is open to all. Jesus said,

This voice came not because of me, but for your sakes. Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out. And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.

He said if He was lifted up He would draw "ALL" to Himslef. He didn't say some or a few, He said all.
Oh no Salvation is promised, and that to a specific people. One being drawn is saved, thats limited to the saved elect
You're reading that incorrectly. It's not the names that werre in the book from the foundation of the world. The book is from the foundation of the world.

The phrase translated, "from the foundation of the world," can be grammatically applied to either the names written or the book. The context determines which it is. Since you didn't exist at the foundation of the world you didn't have a name to be written in the book. We see that the book is mentioned in the OT also. Thus it's thr book, not the names, that are from thr foundation of the world
Im understanding it correct, but you are not.
@Brightfame52 , you did not take a stab at answering my two simple questions to you in post # 130. So let me answer them for you.

YES, partiality is evil and NO God is not evil.

God is good Psalm 136:1, righteous in all His ways Psalm 145:17 and He is impartial Acts 10:34.

All Calvinists are failing at their "one" Christian job. This being properly representing God to the lost. Being His ambassador 2 Cor 5:20. Explaining how an omniscient God can be impartial.

Partiality is an extreme evil, stop misrepresenting Him to the lost that the He loves and died for.

Imagine standing before God of the universe all alone oneday and having to explain why you taught all that He sit atop a list of the most evil beings to ever exist
Rabbit trail
Oh no Salvation is promised, and that to a specific people. One being drawn is saved, thats limited to the saved elect
That's taught nowhere in Scipture. That's why the Reformed have to proof text Scripturre. As I pointed out. Jesus said if He was lifted up He would draw all. Was He lifted up? If so, He draws all.
That's taught nowhere in Scipture. That's why the Reformed have to proof text Scripturre. As I pointed out. Jesus said if He was lifted up He would draw all. Was He lifted up? If so, He draws all.
Yes that is the only thing scripture teaches but you don't understand scripture mate