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No one goes to heaven!

It baffles me why so many trained ministers actually say that th dead know nothing but are in heaven but will be resurrected to be judged! Just baffles me how their minds work!
Yeah. I think a lot of the reason is that people don't think through the logical implications of their beliefs. Sometimes in churches people will praise Jesus as God and then turn around and pray to the God in the name of His Son. Makes you wonder.
Rhema comes across as a Jewish woman.
Thank-you sister for this. I needed the laugh.
I do not know Rhema's ethnicity, but I do believe he is male. :)
This one will stay with me for a while. Can't stop chuckling. :innocent:
Eph 2:5 Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved)
Eph 2:6 And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:

The rebirthed spirit of man can go places the physical body can not go.
Eph 2:5 Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved)
Eph 2:6 And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:

The rebirthed spirit can go places the physical body can not.
Can you say, metaphor?
I do wish I could find a Christian who has read the Bible enough to know that on death all thoughts perish - and therefore a dead person cannot know, feel or experience anything!

All of history's dead are still in their graves and will stay there until Jesus and his angel army arrive at the height of Armageddon, Then he will resurrect 144,000 true Christians to help him govern Earth during the 1000 year millennium.

After the millennium Satan and his two gangs of fallen angels will be released from the pit inside Earth and allowed to travel earth trying to recruit new followers. This is shown in the pope's throne. Any new followers will be the tares who despite living with Jesus for 1000 years still harbour the possibility of being sinners. Some tares will join Satan but just when he is gloating he will be seized and tossed in the lake of fire while all his angel gangs, the demons of the Nephilim and the tares will be totally annihilated.

This is what the Bible says but I've yet to meet a minister who preaches it!
Some people live in fantasy land . How is fantasy land by the way?

Jesus died for our sins? True ??? Yet he ate, and had many conversations after His reserection.
You really need to try understand what the Bible says.
The dead are in their graves.
The do not go to heaven or anywhere as all thoughts perish.
The 144,000 includes 120,000 of The Ten Lost Tribes who left Samaria and ended up in Europe, England and America.
Many of these 120,000 are nominally Catholic at present but will renounce it and become Christian in the Last Days.
And don't label me as a JW as that is a lie

Well I am not going to honor this post with an efforted reply as you have dodged scripture and arguments raised.

So I will just say,

1. Catholics are Christians. You need to better study Catholicism, your line is so ignorant.

2. 120 000 x 12 tribes is 1.44 million

3. We have entire threads here devoted to discussing all scripture on the topic
of the dead in their graves. Your take on the dead has been completely debunked. I can link you to some if you want to reopen a thread.
Some people live in fantasy land . How is fantasy land by the way?

Jesus died for our sins? True ??? Yet he ate, and had many conversations after His reserection.
Well Bill, I'm sure Satan is grateful for your loyal support and the lies you spread.
You accuse me of living in fantasy for believing the Bible but cannot see the greater fantasy in thine own eye?
Well I am not going to honor this post with an efforted reply as you have dodged scripture and arguments raised.

So I will just say,

1. Catholics are Christians. You need to better study Catholicism, your line is so ignorant.

2. 120 000 x 12 tribes is 1.44 million

3. We have entire threads here devoted to discussing all scripture on the topic
of the dead in their graves. Your take on the dead has been completely debunked. I can link you to some if you want to reopen a thread.
LOL> You are so pompous you cannot link yourself to your impending destruction in the symbolic lake of fire!
Every Catholic worships idols of Ishtar and baby Tammuz of old Babylon.
Every Catholic prays to various statues and dead people.
Every Catholic eats blood when GOD said not to.
Catholics killed everyone who had Bible translated into their own language.
Catholics killed countless people who refused to accept that bread and wine became flesh and blood.
Catholics priests demand to be called father when Jesus said call no one father!

etc etc etc etc etc
You call a person you are trying to convert a grasshopper and I must seek wisdom?
Yes, you sure need to seek wisdom, grasshopper.
Maybe a KJV Study Bible would help you see the errors in your thinking?
There are plenty of dead being miraculously raised from death for us to accept that somehow GOD, Jesus or angels can raise the dead.
Never said there wasn't, but angels raising people from the dead? Where is that to be found in scripture?

But the essential point is that the common Christian dead are to be resurrected to live on earth
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.​
(1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 KJV)

And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away;​
(Revelation 21:1 KJV)

It's hard to live on an earth that has passed away.

And it seems some of the sinners of Sodom and Gomorrah will find their names in the Book too - as written at Matthew 10:14!
And you chide me for being literal? I think the best reply would be this:
You really are stuck with physical reality and just don't get the fact Jesus and GOD don't work in human terms.

LOL> You are so pompous you cannot link yourself to your impending destruction in the symbolic lake of fire!
Every Catholic worships idols of Ishtar and baby Tammuz of old Babylon.
Every Catholic prays to various statues and dead people.
Every Catholic eats blood when GOD said not to.
Catholics killed everyone who had Bible translated into their own language.
Catholics killed countless people who refused to accept that bread and wine became flesh and blood.
Catholics priests demand to be called father when Jesus said call no one father!

etc etc etc etc etc

Rxlx, I appreciate your post and thoughts on the matter, but you are not correct. There is so much to consider. Perhaps if you want to properly discuss Catholicism and their ''evils'' we should open a new thread and not derail this one?

It is very important to always properly judge a matter. We are to judge with righteous judgement John 7:24.

We just have to make it personal to understand the importance of doing so ;) .
Saying humans had ascended to heaven before Jesus himself is calling Jesus a liar!
Politely, you have missed my point entirely. My apologies if such was poorly written. Unless your post was just an additive general comment.


Just as long as you understand that you are selecting your own canon.

Are you pretending you have not? I see, from time to time, people suggesting there is a formula for tricking Yehovah into speaking to us in the audible form and I say poppycock! God has spoken seven words to me in 2 months short of eighty years... that is more than enough. Every time I open Yehovah's Holy Word He speaks and gives me what I need to live by faith alone. We, Christians, do not live by sight, feel, and sound.