Greetings again,
I would rather someone coming here (TalkJesus) and encouraging me and all others, members and guests, to cease from sin, to turn from it and if need be, repent, than for someone to come and encourage me or entice me or anyone else to sin.
So far, I have yet to meet someone I agree with fully on all points of theology and yet i have had the undeserved honour to meet and learn from many who know that we are called to One Body and the Head is Christ.. that by grace we are saved... men who want to be part of God's plan of His loving kindness towards man... and do so even if there are differing takes that often develop into different takes again over time.... but the Lord remains the same as He was and as He will be.
The Bible and every Scripture given is not a theology.
We are not called and chosen to be theologists and philosophers. Sure, we can engage in that but again, give me one man who will remind us all to cease from sin over ten thousand who would promote it.
Perhaps this message written 100 years ago is still something we need to remember?
May it melt our hearts more that we may love more, Him Who first loved us.
"... to give His life a ransom for many" (Matthew 20:28)
You have heard sometimes about hell being let loose. Yes, but hear this.
Come to Caiaphas' palace on the passover night, and look at this. "Then did they spit in His face, and buffeted Him: they blindfolded Him and then they smote Him with the palms of their hands, saying: Prophesy to us, Thou Christ, who is it that smote Thee?
And they stripped Him, and put on Him a scarlet robe. And when they had platted a crown of thorns"--I wonder in what sluggard's garden it grew!--"they put it upon His head, and a reed in His right hand; and they bowed the knee before Him and mocked Him, saying: Hail! King of the Jews! And they spit upon Him again, and took the reed out of His hand, and smote Him upon the head. Then Pilate took Jesus and scourged Him. After which they brought Jesus forth wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe. And when the Chief Priests saw Jesus, they cried out, Crucify Him! crucify Him! Then Pilate delivered Him to them to be crucified . "
My brethren,--these are dreadful, most dreadful, things. And all the time, God Almighty, the God and Father of Jesus Christ, restrained Himself, He held Himself in, and sat as still as a stone, seeing and hearing all that.
The arrest, the trial, the buffeting, the spitting, the jesting and the jeering, the bloody scourging, the crown of thorns, the reed, and the purple robe--Why? In the name of amazement, why did the Judge of all the earth sit still and see all that said and done?
Do you know what made Him sit still? Did you ever think about it?
And would you like to be told how it could be? God Almighty, my brethren, not only sat still, but He ordained it all; and His Son endured it all, --in order to take away sin.
Alexander Whyte
Bless you ....><>