Here is the point you wanted to make. You went off at a tangent with the angels, because I mentioned angels.
What is your point?
Mankind like the angels has high intelligence. Falling into sin was an inevitability. God could not create mankind with evil as God is not evil. But God did make mankind and the angels with the ability to do evil. IE Free will. As free will is good.
Ok, I see your point. No, you are mistaken. On one hand, yes. We are made perfect as we are washed by the blood of Jesus.
This DOES NOT EQUATE TO us being PERFECT as God is PERFECT. Excuse my bold, but this is now the fifth time I have explained this.
We are MADE PERFECT to God because we opened the door to Jesus.
PLEASE read slowly and meditate on Heb 10:14.
@lentz , you to!!
Heb 10:14 For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.
We are made perfect to God by the sacrifice of Jesus. In heaven we go from glory to glory. In fact, from the time we are first truly saved we have started our journey of going from holy to holy. But SADLY as we are a human creation we will NEVER be perfect as God is. IE We continue to make mistakes of sin, for all eternity.
Its not false teaching my friend. It is explaining true free will.
Take a stab at the point I am making. Namely, Free will in heaven.
If sin is defined as disobedience to a command from God, how is it possible to have free will if you cannot sin?