It is a Biblical fact that judgment will take place, and that there will be those who will be granted life, and those who will not be granted life following that judgment, which will be carried out with Justice and Righteously, by Him who knows the secrets of men's hearts.
I do not believe that the rich man and Lazarus was an illustration of what takes place after death, for it flies in the face of the testimony of Scripture. It was directed against the Pharisees, and intended to show the hypocrisy and Scripture denying nature of the teaching they propounded, for they placed their traditions and the words of their own Rabbi's above that of the Word of God.
The fires of end time judgement is there for the purpose of destruction. It is literally fire, and will consume everything that is put into it. It is everlasting because it will not go out.
Sheol and Hades, for the most part when translated 'Hell' refer to the place of the dead, or the grave, and Tartaroo, is also translated 'Hell', but occurs only once in Scripture and refers to the place of imprisonment of the angels that sinned, and brought about the judgment of the flood upon mankind, by corrupting the gene pool of all but the man who was saved out of it, and that of his family. That judgment was just, and the destruction of mankind a necessity, otherwise the line of descent which would fulfill the prophecy of Genesis 3:15, would have also become corrupted.
Likewise, judgment must take place at the end of the age, because the earth is corrupted, and mankind outside of Christ are under the rule of the prince of this world. Opportunity will be given for repentance and salvation right up until the door of opportunity is finally shut, as it was in Noah's day. Yet, those who refuse to submit to God's rule and authority, or accept His means of salvation will suffer judgment and destruction, as they did in Noah's day.
So, I have no problem with the fact of there being hell (Gehenna) fire to destroy the carcases of the dead, after Armageddon and following the judgment of God, but praise God that after all enemies have been placed under the feet of God's Christ, the last being death itself, then God will be all in all, and there will be a new heaven and a new earth in which dwelleth righteousness. That is God's purpose, His goal, and I praise His Holy Name, that it will come to pass.
There is no such thing as eternal conscious punishment for mankind spoken of in Scripture. So you can argue and debate for as long as you desire, it will not negate what will be, for it is written and it will come to pass.
No scriptures given, no time today, but you can find them if you wish quite easily with an open Bible and a receptive mind and heart, and the willingness to question the traditions of men.
Thank you
In Christ Jesus