You need to try present a stronger defense. On face value, annihilation seems truthful. Wages of sin is death and we all know that accepting Jesus gives us forgiveness from sin. Add that to all scripture where God destroys the wicked and yes, we can be forgiven for believing God will annihilate.
Jesus accepting us according to his great mercy and grace. Not of our own selfves in any way shape or form . We are his masterpice. His creation .
Yes the wage of sin is death (never to rise to new spirit life). Those who have been freely given a new born again spirit they will raise on the “last day” .The same day the letter of the law "death" along with its suffering of "hell" is tossed into the fiery judgment. The death of death itself. The second and final .
The letter of the law it will not rise in the new creation and again condemn another whole creation to death There is no reason to put ones trust in purgatory forever and ever . God is a God of mercy and is subject to His own law. Mercy that provided the work of grace triumphs over purgatory. (the idea of life after the sentence of death (no breath of life) )
James seems to tie it together. Not all will be judge are judged by the law of mercy
with grace . The Spirit of Christ does not have grace and mercy on one and cause the other to suffer in some purgatory forever . That would not be called mercy. Mercy would mean an end to suffering . . dead never to rise. That mercy.
James2:12;13 So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty. For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no mercy; and
mercy rejoiceth against judgment.
Mercy does not rejoice with judgemnt but again against sufering forever and ever..
1. Babies and children died during the flood. 2. Do you believe that all but Noah and his family were 10/10 wicked? 3. Do you believe Noah and his family had no sin? 4. How is the death penalty ''rewarding according to what they did'' Rom 2:6?
All have sinned and fall short of the glory to include Noah .Noah was used as a example of not being unevenly yoked with daughters of men (the un-redeemed) , at that time period the spiritual seed Christ was still being developed in a genealogy .It ended when the Son of man was born
As such, events of God's annihilation of tribes on the earth is seen more as Him bringing change. We know from day 1 when He put the devil on earth with Adam and Eve that He has wanted a ''balance'' of good and evil. Cities like Sodom were lob-sided toward what is evil. That is why He dealt with them.
The devil brought unbalance God word the standard provided the balance
What is justice for a sinner? Please read 1 Cor 6:1-9 a couple of times. Note how Paul urges us to judge better then the unsaved. Note how Paul says we will judge the angels. Then read 1 Cor 5. Note how Paul ''singles'' out a person guilty of a specific sin, ''incest''. There were many other sinners in the church. Yet
That judgment is one that evaluates not a judgment that comes to an end . Only God can see into a every person’s heart and move them according to the good pleasure of His will .
We are to call no one a fool (no God in the hearts) as to the end of the matter. The messengers called angels are the Sons of God they as the elect try the sprits to see if they are of men inspired from earth or God inspired from heaven. Many went out from us because they were not od those v born again to begin with. Paul warns us before the close of the law of God the scriptures (Revealtion) .Some will say here is Christ or he is there. He commands us to believe not making it impossible to deceive those who do evaluate by trying the spirits .What some call judging angels evaluating whether they are true prophet sent as aspotles or false .
1 Corinthians 6:1 But
brother goeth to law with
brother, and that before the unbelievers.
Its one of the reasons when we do meet a stranger we should be aware we could be entertaining a believer as a messenger of God, that some call angel . We might have a word of encourage or we receive it from them. All of the spiritual gifts are two fold in that way. . . working in two or three .No self-edifying.
Hebrews 13:1-3 King James Version (KJV) Let
brotherly love continue. Be not forgetful to entertain
strangers: for thereby
some have entertained
angels unawares. Remember
them that are in bonds, as bound with
them; and
them which suffer adversity, as being
yourselves also in the
In that way it is certainly not self entertaining . The unholy 3 . . .me, myself and I. LOL
If the unsaved know to sentence a murderer to a longer prison sentence then a thief, how much more us, how much more a just God? If the unsaved debate all year long about lethal injection for the most grievous of sinners, how much more a good person, how much more God?
The sentence to a murder is more than one is able to bear without Christ .Cain when offered the gospel murdered his brother Abel .the first recorded martyr and apostle who died serving Christ. Abel was given rest in in his increased labor making the lord lighter and it gave Abel a future hope after death. His blood cries out from the corrupted dust(heart of the corrupted earth) longing to be clothed with the eternal just as any saint ..
Cain the atheist (fool ) buried Abel under in the corn field setting up the Pagan foundation of unbelief. No faith. . . . . out of sight. . . out of mind. No faith that exclusively comes from hearing God as two walking together. .
Cain desired to die rather than spend his life under the burden he could not bear . . that only in Christ could one bear. The Holy Spirit placed the mark of his Word or promise (666) Marking his word what it says does come to pass .If any try and choose the instant death penalty they themselves would be considered a murderer under the power of Satan a murder from that beginning the same spirit of murder that works in all the serial killer today .The opposing spirit of truth.
it has someone changed b my veiw point a the death sentnce .Slow, lifer, or shocking instant
Geneisis 4:13:15 And Cain said unto the Lord, My punishment is
greater than
I can bear.Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from
thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that
every one that findeth me shall slay me. And the
Lord said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the Lord set a
mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.
Cain suffered the living pangs of hell all the days of his life.