These are called metaphors, and yes, they are figures of speech. Paul uses death as a metaphor in other place too. For instance He said, "I die daily". Did Paul literally die every day? Did he die spiritually everyday? The answer is no. He simply meant that he put his wants and needs aside to serve the Lord. He spoke of crucifying the old man. Did he commit suicide? No, again, it was a metaphor for putting his wants and needs aside. He also said,
9 I was alive once without the law, but when the commandment came, sin revived and I died. (Rom. 7:9 NKJ)
Did he literally die when he learned the Law? No, it's a metaphor, a figure of speech. When Paul said the Ephesians were dead in their sins it was just a way of saying that there was nothing they could about their sinful condition.
Dead in sins does not mean spiritual death. There is nothing in the Scriptures that speaks of spiritual death. This is just a concept people came up with to try to explain something they either didn't understand or that didn't fit their theology. From what I've seen many try to establish the concept from Genesis. God told Adam that in the day he ate of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil he would die. They then argue that Adam didn't die in that 24 hour day so this must mean something other than physical death. They then impose on the text the idea of a spiritual death. However, in the context there is nothing about a spiritual death. It's simply imposed on the text because people already have this idea that the dead live on. But, if we look back at history we see a much more plausible explanation of this passage that fits with the Scriptures rather than impose a foreign idea onto them. Both the ancient Jewish and early Christian understanding of this passage is that the day God was speaking of was a prophetic day. David said,
4 For a thousand years in Your sight Are like yesterday when it is past, And like a watch in the night. (Ps. 90:4 NKJ)
Peter said this about the return of Christ.
8 But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. (2 Pet. 3:8 NKJ)
Adam live 930 years just short of one prophetic day.
The Book of Jubilee, Patriarchs from Adam to Noah, page 55-56
And at the close of the nineteenth jubilee, in the seventh week in the sixth year thereof, Adam died, and all
his sons buried him in the land of his creation, 8 and he was the first to be buried 9 in the earth. 30. And he lacked seventy years of one thousand years; for one thousand years are as one day in the testimony
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of the heavens and therefore was it written concerning the tree of knowledge: "On the day that ye eat thereof ye will die." 1 For this reason he did not complete the years of this day; for he died during it.
Irenaeus, Against Heresies, Book 5
2. Thus, then, in the day that they did eat, in the same did they die, and became death’s debtors, since it was one day of the creation. For it is said, “There was made in the evening, and there was made in the morning, one day.” Now in this same day that they did eat, in that also did they die. But according to the cycle and progress of the days, after which one is termed first, another second, and another third, if anybody seeks diligently to learn upon what day out of the seven it was that Adam died, he will find it by examining the dispensation of the Lord. For by summing up in Himself the whole human race from the beginning to the end, He has also summed up its death. From this it is clear that the Lord suffered death, in obedience to His Father, upon that day on which Adam died while he disobeyed God. Now he died on the same day in which he did eat. For God said, “In that day on which ye shall eat of it, ye shall die by death.” The Lord, therefore, recapitulating in Himself this day, underwent His sufferings upon the day preceding the Sabbath, that is, the sixth day of the creation, on which day man was created; thus granting him a second creation by means of His passion, which is that [creation] out of death. And there are some, again, who relegate the death of Adam to the thousandth year; for since “a day of the Lord is as a thousand years,” he did not overstep the thousand years, but died within them, thus bearing out the sentence of his sin. Whether, therefore, with respect to disobedience, which is death; whether [we consider] that, on account of that, they were delivered over to death, and made debtors to it; whether with respect to [the fact that on] one and the same day on which they ate they also died (for it is one day of the creation); whether [we regard this point], that, with respect to this cycle of days, they died on the day in which they did also eat, that is, the day of the preparation, which is termed “the pure supper,” that is, the sixth day of the feast, which the Lord also exhibited when He suffered on that day; or whether [we reflect] that he (Adam) did not overstep the thousand years, but died within their limit, — it follows that, in regard to all these significations, God is indeed true. For they died who tasted of the tree; and the serpent is proved a liar and a murderer, as the Lord said of him: “For he is a murderer from the beginning, and the truth is not in him.”
Early Church Fathers - – Ante-Nicene Fathers: The Writings of the Fathers Down To A.D. 325.
Not only is this much more plausible but we see it's the way the people in Biblical times understood the passage. It's not about spiritual death.