Gen 2:7 speaks to the soul and body. 1 Thess 5:23 adds that a spirit is also present. If you cherry pick Gen 2:7 and preach that as the a-z of our make up, you are teaching falsely.
Genesis 2:7 also speaks of the spirit. It is the breath of life. If you haven't read the discussion between me and Brother Paul I would encourage you to do so. We were discussing this word spirit. The English word "spirit" is a figurative usage of the Greek and Hebrew words translated spirit. The Hebrew words are "neshamah" and "ruach". The Greek word is "pneuma". All three of these words literally mean wind. When they are translated as spirit it is a figure of speech. When Gen 2:7 speaks of the breath of life it is the Neshamal or spirit of life. So, you can see that the body, the spirit, and the soul, are all mentioned in Gen 2:7 and we see from that that the body and the breath or spirit of life together form something else, the soul.
In Ezekiel 37 God gives Ezekiel a picture of the resurrection of Israel.
The hand of the LORD was upon me, and carried me out in the
spirit of the LORD, and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones,
2 And caused me to pass by them round about: and, behold, there were very many in the open valley; and, lo, they were very dry.
3 And he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord GOD, thou knowest.
4 Again he said unto me, Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the LORD.
5 Thus saith the Lord GOD unto these bones; Behold, I will cause
breath to enter into you, and ye shall live:
6 And I will lay sinews upon you, and will bring up flesh upon you, and cover you with skin, and put
breath in you, and ye shall live; and ye shall know that I am the LORD.
7 So I prophesied as I was commanded: and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone.
8 And when I beheld, lo, the sinews and the flesh came up upon them, and the skin covered them above: but there was no
breath in them.
9 Then said he unto me, Prophesy unto the
wind, prophesy, son of man, and say to the
wind, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Come from the four
winds, O
breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live.1
10 So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the
breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army.
11 Then he said unto me, Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel: behold, they say, Our bones are dried, and our hope is lost: we are cut off for our parts.
12 Therefore prophesy and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel.
13 And ye shall know that I am the LORD, when I have opened your graves, O my people, and brought you up out of your graves,
And shall put my spirit in you, and ye shall live, and I shall place you in your own land: then shall ye know that I the LORD have spoken it, and per.formed it, saith the LORD. (Ezek. 37:1-14 KJV)
Yellow= ruach, wind or breath.
In this passage I have put the Hebrew word, "ruach" in yellow and bold. As you can see the translators have used three different words to translate this one Hebrew word. This is one of the reasons there is so much confusion among Christians.
However, notice what it is that makes them alive, it is God's breath or spirit. There is absolutely nothing here at all about any other breath or spirit than that of God. He does say anything about putting "their" spirit in them, it's God's. He doesn't say anything about putting a soul or "their" soul in them. This is the same creation that we see in Genesis 2:7. So, the both times we see man created it's exactly the same. God creates a body and them breathes "His" breath or spirit in them and they live.