The same thing is true when people say the origin of the beast comes from Rome, the EU, the USA, or the UN. I can give you several reasons why I believe every beast - Revelation 13, 17, and Daniel 7 are all Islamic. But would you believe it. I've been asking people who believe in the RRE to quote ONE verse that implicates Rome as the end-time beast and nobody has even tried yet.
First, every nation mentioned in end-time prophecy is Arab, Persian, and Islamic today. Isn't that a clue? What about Babylon the Great? Babylon is Babylon. It's not Catholicism or Rome, it's not the US, the EU, or the UN. The only thing Babylon implies is literal Babylon or false religion. Does it matter to you that the geographical area of ancient Babylon is completely dominated by Islam today.
Who is committing the abominations of the earth today? Beheading is an Islamic trait, crucifying people, killing young women in honor killings, (over 900 in Pakistan alone in one year) Before I give you the evidence, I'll give you an idea why they are said to be "fearful and dreadful."
What most people don't know is there's a genocide of Christians taking place in Africa.
pick a page
Let me mention a few recent abominations...
1. Blowing up a baby in a training video.
2. Cutting the heart out of a man while he is alive.
3. Cutting the eyes and tongues out of priest and nuns.
4. Children beheading adults.
5. Adults beheading children....then placing their heads on a stake for public display.
6. Burning people alive.
7. Honor killings. The Human rights Commission of Pakistan reported that over 800 women, many of them teenagers, were executed in honor killings mostly in tribal areas.
8. Throwing acid is women's faces.
9. Running over people with military tanks and cars.
10. Flying jet liners into sky scrappers.
11. Crucifying people to trees.
12. Cutting off of hands and feet for stealing.
13. Wrapping a person, mostly women, in a sheet and burying them waist deep in the ground and stoning them to death.
14. Taking children as young as 6 years old and using them as sex slaves. ISIS beheaded over 50 captive sex slaves about 3 months ago when the town they occupied was being taken.
15. Forcing children to execute several men simultaneously shooting them in the back of the head.
16. Suicide bombings, (Yes I could go on but I think I've gotten my point across.)
I'll put together a page with the evidence I see, but have little faith it will change the minds of anybody.