When we are dealing with "eschatology" there are so many avenues and subways, which seems to run afoul no matter what vehicle one may take, be it, train, rail, bus, plane, or a automobile, a personal means of transportation, to plot out, the pathway to our final destination. Believe me, we are going to "Hit the Mark" and be on time. No matter what road map we pick out.
Just as sure as granny once said: "Just as sure , as God, has made the Little Green Apples, that falls down from the tree". He will appear. and He will be right on time. You just make sure your lambs are trim.
Jesus said this: He was coming back to get us, and take us back where He came from. When the place is ready!
(John 14)KJV
"Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if
it were not
so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am,
there ye may be also."
Now how hard is that to understand. You see when, christians believe that when they die they go to heaven right then, their doctrine is messed up! They Go to "Hades" into the so called "Bosom of Abraham", until The Horn is blowed and Jesus tells the dead in Christ to get UP! and meet me in the sky because i am going to take you to the place I have prepare for you. "The Dinning Room table"!

and we are going to set down for awhile. "For HE has prepared a table before us"
are you wondering now?