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It must be because the Trinitarians claim to be Christians and the others do not, therefore; it is the elect that are targeted to stumble. Satan already hasDear @Samson2020
Question with follow up: If Universalist is what you are, then why are you so concerned about those who believe in the Trinity being wrong, when there are so many other religions as you are aware of that don't even come that close in their belief, or non-belief in One God, or even Son of God, much less the Holy Spirit, and yet will all live? Unless the belief has to do with where they will live the life they will have, which would be with God or separate from Him?
With the Love of Christ Jesus.
the masses under the other religions.
And in all honesty I'm not concerned at all as it's all in the Fathers hands anyway. It was just a topic of discussion that brings on heated debate.
I would ask though, why is it that the Bible says over and over and over again "THE SON OF GOD" BUT NEVER ONCE SAYS "GOD THE SON"?
Why is the Bible changed to fit the Catholic narrative that no one can explain? And if she is the mother of all H.....s then why do we hold to her doctrines?
The Lord has said come out of her my people. 1-so that you are not partakers of her sins- spreading untruths or half truths.
2- so that you do not receive of her plagues. She is religion that has trapped some of the elect. Jesus is the mediator between man and God not between man
and Himself, He is the High Priest of God not God the High Priest, Jesus is the Head of the body of Christ which God is above. Jesus is subject unto the Father, God
is not subject unto Himself. The Trinity just does not fit the scripture.
With God in full splendor as in the end ALL are brought to life in Christ. 1 Co 15:28
We all know that the scriptures do not contradict themselves so when we see a verse that says, even so ALL are justified unto life because of the one
act of righteousness that Jesus partook of. Rom 5:18
We deny that the scripture is correct because somewhere else it says that few there be that will be saved. And that is true if we only consider the first dispensation
of time. The one were in now. There is more than one.
This dispensation is maturing the first fruits group and they did nothing to deserve it, simply Gods choice. 2 Ti 1:9
Jesus died for all to be testified in due time. 1 Ti 2:6 When is that, as a lot of folks died prior to His crucifixion?
We see a verse that says "As in Adam all die(carnally minded flesh) even so shall ALL be made alive in Christ" It gets twisted to mean only those who
accepted Christ? Why? You were born a carnally minded fleshly human like me and received mercy to believe, it wasn't something you deserved but
you got it because God insisted you have it like me. 2 Ti 1:9 So as in Adam all die because God said, and all are to be made alive in Christ because God said so.
1 Co 15:22 Eph 1:10 Dispensation of the TIMES, plural, second death makes two times or dispensations.
I would ask another question about our Father. Do you really think that the one disobedient act of Adam holds more power over mankind than
the righteous act of self sacrifice of sin free Jesus? If you answer yes then you would belittle the sacrifice of the Son. And if you said no then you'd be in
my camp.
Now consider your own children, assume you left them at birth and they never knew you, you return when they are 30ish and tell them because they did not
love you your gonna roast em over a flame that never dies and neither do they. Can you see the absurdity of that? Even carnally minded flesh like us
would never do such a thing to our children but somehow we think thats exactly what God our Father is going to do to His children. We are all children
of the Most High. Psa 82:6
The things I post are meant to make the suffering easier for the true Christian. Meant to help them understand who everybody is and will someday be.
If you can see that we all, including Jesus, came out from the Father and we all shall return as mature sons, as Jesus already has, at our appointed times
then praying for someone who is your enemy, turning the other cheek, being defrauded etc... is easier knowing that they will eventually be with you when
it is finished. We are all a part of each other and all a part of God.
We are all special in His eyes at the conclusion of His plan. Indeed before the world was formed we were special to Him and thats why we are here
as human beings to become like our Father knowing good and evil and overcoming the world that we would be glorified into His image as
sons that are just like Him. And no we didn't do a thing to deserve that as it was His idea, before time began. 2 Ti 1:9 Tit 1:2